Review: RingSurf



Company Comments

I have asked all the companies to send in a few paragraphs of information about what makes their banner exchange unique. Here is what this one said:

--None Yet--

Personal Comments

This one looks OK... You can join as many rings as you want. RingSurf remembers wich ring a user is on using cookies. You can also start your own ring, which I haven't tried, so I don't know what it's like.

Comments From Users Of This Service

This is where all you people out there that have used this in the past (or are using it at the moment), can post your comments, good or bad. Here they are:

"National PR Network" says: "Joined RingSurf yesterday. I don't think their documentation is too clear. For example, I can't find how to look at rings other than "new," assuming there are sort, find out how to start a new ring or figure out how to access use statistics. I'm sure all will be clearer in time."