5 Reasons To Utilize UGC To Boost Customer Experience On eCommerce

Over the last 8 weeks, eCommerce experienced the greatest boost shown in recent history. During a short period of time, the demand for eCommerce increased rapidly, a fact that led brands to take a closer look at their eCommerce array.

The new york times reports that 80 percent of consumers rely on online reviews before making a purchase considering them accurate and informative. Meanwhile, search engine land, reports that 70 percent of customers are likely to leave online reviews when they are asked to offering a market research gold mine. 

The combination of these two calls brands to analyze User-Generated Content (UGC) on its many formes to understand better their consumer’s wishes in order to increase sales.

In this article, I’ll cover some of the ways and reasons to utilize UGC to encounter eCommerce.


Plan Your Marketing Strategy

Benjamin Franklin once said: By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail".

He surely didn't know that years later, we will quote him as a reference for how important it is to have a proper go-to market strategy before you launch any eCommerce product. One of the best ways to utilize UGC in your strategy is to collect user feedback from similar products/niche you are planning to sell.

The second part of the task is to write down every keyword, sentiment (good or bad) complaint and praise so you can have a clear plan of the main capabilities you want to promote.


Identify Market Gaps

Analyzing user-generated content enables you to identify the customer wish list and pain points. While positive reviews might be short and uninformative, negative reviews can help you find market gaps you can leverage in product development, brand innovation, and marketing campaigns.

Uncovering gaps in the market can also open new marketing opportunities and alert you for potential roadblocks before they become issues.


Competitive Analysis From Social Media Data

Another abundant source of data generated by users can be found across social media. Gathering this data and applying text analysis, AKA social listening is used by companies to understand how consumers react, describe, and engage with their competitors. 

Understanding the sentiment, topics, reactions, and interactions between your competitors and their customers is a good starting point for a gap analysis research.

You can also use this analysis to look for market trends, identify pain points and keywords used by consumers to improve your products, thus offering better customer experience.


Optimize Your Product Listing With Online Reviews

As mentioned before, about 80 percent of consumers look for reviews as part of their buying process, moreover, 86 percent consider negative reviews to influence their decision to buy a product.

Analyzing customer reviews gives you a glimpse of what your consumers are missing and want to see you improve.

Such insights will give you an advantage and a straight path to your customer’s wishes and demands. It will uncover how your product fulfills it comparted to your competitive landscape.


Identify Keywords For Better Consumer Sentiment

Understanding the language your consumers use, will give you an advantage in product marketing, listing and Q&A’s

Analyzing consumer reviews allows you to identify your consumers’ style and help you communicate with them in their own language and find the right keywords and phrases to describe your products.

Monitoring and differentiating positive and negative keywords used to describe your product will provide the keyword research data you need to promote product listing and description.



analyzing your customer’s thoughts and wishes of your product is critical to optimize your marketing strategy.

By collecting and using this data, you’ll be able to leverage customer engagement and increase your sales and revenue rate. 

Dividing your resource allocation smartly, cutting service-related expenses, you’ll be sure to lead your brand into a better and even thriving eCommerce array.