Why Mobile Marketing Works and How It Will Look in 2013

2012 was the year when mobile marketing really kicked off and more and more local businesses latched onto it as a marketing method.

But still, there are only a handful of local businesses that understand or are using it, and do not really understand why mobile marketing works like crazy when creating relationships and generating sales.

So what will mobile marketing look like in 2013?


Well, chances are, those who are using it already will want to expand on it further by combining social media with mobile. This is basically where a Facebook page can be turned into a sales tool via the mobile. You've already heard about the new Facebook phone that is in the pipeline? This will be one way of advancing - if you are already on board.

Those who aren't will have to jump on board fairly quickly, as the technology is already moving at a great speed.

The introduction of payment systems on phones will be the next big wave of mobile, where the credit or debit card will be mobile. In other words you will be able to pay for goods and services mobile.

Play.com and Amazon have already snapped this up!


Another important aspect of mobile is the mobile video marketing.

Instead of sending an email to prospects, people will be able to send a video mobile email, which can create a personal touch to a person's business.


Another important development is the QR code.

While most businesses are only just realising the potential of the QR code, the next big wave of mobile will be QR code coupon pages, where people are taken to a coupon page for a discount of goods or services. They are then taken to a social media page, and added to the page.


The biggest development this year will be the start of building payment processing into phones, but that may not take off straight away.

2013 will be a crucial year for businesses as they will have to find ways of searching for customers, and keeping those on board already, happy!

With mobile marketing customer retention is key to a successful mobile marketing campaign.

Those that still haven't dipped their toes in it still have time, but should get started as soon as possible with it. Those businesses that don't even have a website, are even further behind the times.

Mobile marketing is far simpler than the internet marketing believe it or not, and it works, so why not get started today?