If you have any lingering doubt as to whether mobile marketing can work for your business, just check out how these six big brands used mobile marketing:
1. American Express
American Express has been very open about their enthusiasm for mobile marketing, often posting on their "Open" website about how other businesses can cash in on the mobile marketing movement. Starting in 2012, American Express partnered with a mobile app supplier in a move to add value to their member services. The American Express app for mobile devices gives customers the opportunity to interact with the app to create "panoramic" personalized images that are tailored for an individual's interests and location.
2. Dove
DoveCare for men developed a series of mobile ads as part of their mobile marketing campaign. Enlisting sports figures to help sell the concept that men have a right to "feel good in their skin," the ads linked products with information and instructions to use it. The campaign must have worked because since then, Dove's line of skincare products for men has tripled.
3. Red Cross
Sometimes brands use mobile marketing to do good for others. After the Haiti disaster, the American Red Cross reached out to would-be donors with mobile marketing that made it simple to donate to the earthquake relief effort. With a simple text message, donors were able to send ten bucks to the Red Cross. The campaign was wildly successful, given that 95% of the donations came from donors who had never given so much as a red cent to Red Cross before. Red Cross ended up with over $32 million in new donations by the time the campaign ended.
4. Starbucks
As if Starbucks needed to rake in even more coffee beans for their coffers, they came up with a genius way for customers to buy at their retail sites. First, customers were invited to download a mobile app, which they named a "mobile card." Then customers could load money onto the "card." Whenever thirsty Starbuckaroos wanted a hit of java, they could simply open the app on their phone so the barista could scan the barcode. This ingenious idea works in two ways. First, marketers know that people always spend more when they don't have to hand over cold cash. Second, it promotes brand loyalty. When customers have already "invested" an amount by loading it on their card, they feel they've already spent it.
5. History Channel
The History Channel used mobile marketing to help inform and educate their customer base. Users download the History Channel app, check in using Foursquare, and the History Channel gives them background information and interesting facts about historical sites, as well as directions on how to get there from here. This is a form of passive marketing that promotes the best kind of goodwill toward a company.
6. Fandango
Fandango, the U.S.'s most famous online movie ticketing company, developed an app that allows users to purchase tickets right from their phone. The response has been positive. Movie goers love the fact that they can make last minute movie plans in the middle of a dinner date without having to wait in long ticket lines at the theatre.
As the following article shows, these are six of the best: mobile marketing campaigns that can work for your business, too.
Follow the examples of these successful companies, and you can look forward to similar results.