5 Ways To Perfect A PPC Campaign

A PPC, or Pay Per Click, campaign is a great way to get your business some online exposure and increase your contacts.

Relatively inexpensive, you can put limits on the amount that your ad campaign goes through each day. Better than that, you can also have it to only show on a certain demographic to hone in on your target audience.

To create the best PPC campaign there are some great tips.

Know your PPC

PPC marketing is more than just keywords and a home page URL, in fact you shouldn't use your home page URL at all. To create the best PPC campaign you can, you're going to want to focus on getting the right keywords, with the right character limit, and point that ad to a well-focused landing page. The destination URL should not be a home page, and we'll explain why that is.

Keywords are Key

You are going to want to use keywords that both signify your business and what is on the page you are linking to. If your keyword isn't found on the landing page, or your landing page doesn't respond to your keyword (i.e. keyword is social media and your landing page is on spreadsheets) you are either going to need new keywords, or new landing pages. The landing page is very important and discussed as the fourth section of these 5 ways to build a PPC campaign. Create a list of keywords that you are going to use for this AdGroup of campaigns. Using Google AdWords Keyword Tool is a good way to see the volume of users searching for the keywords you are wanting to use.

Get Your Character Limits in Check

The ads for each PPC Ad Group will need to be a certain character length for the best results and to be included in the campaign. This is broken down into four lines:

Line 1 - Title - The title needs to be 25 characters or less.

Line 2 - Display URL - The display URL can be a total of 35 characters.

Line 3 - Copy Line One - The first line of copy needs to be under 35 characters.

Line 4 - Copy Line Two - The second line of copy needs to be under 35 characters.

Point the Ad to the Right Page

The URL that you use in your Display URL spot, or Line Two of the PPC Ad Group, is not going to be your destination URL. Destination URLs are usually over the allowable limit of characters, so keep the display url short and sweet. While it has to include your actual domain, it doesn't have to lead to an actual page. This is only the URL that is displayed and not the URL that the ad will actually lead to. The URL that the PPC campaign will land on is called the destination URL or the landing page. How to set up that particular page is in the next tip.

Destination URLs are Tricky

The Landing page is the URL that will be used to guide clicks to. It should not be a home page, as your normal organic Google searches will lead users to this page. It should lead to a specific page on the website where you can get more information from the website surfer. Offer a free ebook with newsletter signup, or some promotion where you can get your browser's information, and in exchange they get a trinket. This will give you a database of potential clients.

A successful PPC campaign incorporates all the information in these five ways and turns a few words into a money-making business venture. Creating the right ad is more than just throwing random words and URLs into Google and hoping for the best.

Get it right the first time with the perfect way to create a PPC campaign.