You can buy expired domains with high PR in a very affordable rate. For example, a domain with PR 3 and 12 years of age may cost you less than 2 dollars. But purchasing it is not an easy task. You need to go through various checking process to buy a full proof domain of high quality. Here are some of the websites which are popular in selling the deleted domains. This is a very reputed site with wonderful feedbacks. It offers a huge list of fantastic domain names that are already expired. If you can buy the domains from this site, you can go through an easy check out process.
Dropping.Com: It is another website where you can also find the classification of the buyers properly. You can specify your category also, whether you want to buy the domain as a SEM/SEO expert, website owner or a domain investor.
Expireddomains.Net: A huge number of domains get expired every day with some reason or the other. Sometimes the owner may forget to renew them or just do not want to operate them any further. This website can be considered as a one stop solution for the individuals who can understand the value of SEO, back linking and Page Ranks. You are not required to spend a single penny to collect all information about expired domains. And the best advantage of this site is that you will not have to sign up for checking the expired domains. You can simply find expired domains according to your requirements.
NameJet: This site can offer the most preferred domain names among which are expired. If you want to invest in an expired domain for the development purpose, you can do it in a very wonderful manner. The platform offered is very easy to use and the participants can take part in backorder requests, domain auctions and management of accounts.
Stuckdomains.Com: This is an excellent portal which lists the dropped or expired domains in a nice way. It possesses a very easy check in and checkout process. For going through the domain details, you are not required to sign up. Though the filter options are limited, the quick bees can be explored for sure.
DomainPeel.Com: The website offers the list of spam free expired domains. It is just an investment or you are going to start your website, you can obtain authentic information from this website.
FreshDrop.Com: When you are going to search for the suitable expired domain, this website can be considered as one of your favorites. If you are looking for different features in the domains, you can be sure that this site can guide you in the proper way. The search and filter options are present right at the top of the homepage.
DomCop : Just with a single click , you can access features like Moz Rank, Page Rank, Similar Web Rank, SEMrush rank and traffic, Majestic SEO Trust and Citation Flow. You can go through 40 metrics in this site by which you can compare the sites within few minutes.
Expireddomainsleauth.Com: This is a very essential tool for finding out the expired domains. It helps in proper domain filtering, link popularity and domain management. By using the hourly status checker, the domain names can also be flagged.
SnapNames: This website as well as mobile application offers you with daily auctions, premium auctions and domain brokerages.
So, if you are looking for expired domains, these websites can be very useful for you. They not only find one for you but also checks whether it meets your requirement or not.