Storytelling at Its Finest: How to Turn Business Stories into Valuable Content

Content marketing is still one of the most effective digital marketing instruments to use today. Even with social media platforms giving you – and businesses in general – new ways to engage the audience directly, it is still difficult to beat the value of high quality content. Even better, the focus of content marketing today is storytelling, making the instrument more personal and effective at the same time

There are always stories to tell. Viewers love a good story, especially one they can relate to and follow. In this article, we are going to talk about how you can turn every business story into valuable content that the viewers actually love.

Focus on the Simple Things

A story doesn’t have to be complicated. As a matter of fact, the most successful online storytelling campaigns are often based on the simplest of premises. That’s exactly when you should start: discovering a simple premise to develop into an engaging story.

A cupcake business that needs to remodel its kitchen, for example, can find interesting stories to tell from the remodeling process. From planning a more functional kitchen to choosing Milk Paint to get that rustic look and to keep the kitchen eco-friendly, all of these small details can be very interesting to share with the audience.

People to People

Viewers don’t really connect with your brand; not on a personal level at least. In order to build a strong relationship with the audience, your stories need to be about people, told by the right people, and created for people as well.

Instead of taking a more formal and corporate stance, you can tell stories about your business or your product from the perspective of those working within the business. Using the previous example of kitchen remodeling, sharing how excited you are as a business owner about expanding the kitchen and making it eco-friendly will make the story more relatable.

This is because everyone can relate to that excitement you experience. By taking this approach, you are making your brand and the business more personal in the eyes of the viewers.

Integrate Your Stories

Similar to other digital marketing efforts, effective storytelling requires you to be consistent. It doesn’t stop with content marketing either. Your stories will be much more effective when the key messages are consistent across all digital marketing activities.

Fortunately, integrating storytelling with other digital marketing campaigns is very easy to do. You can use social media to generate attention and create anticipation, before sharing a complete video on YouTube or publishing the complete, highly personalized story on your blog.

Focus on the “why” more than the “what” and you’ll be able to make a huge impact every time. Viewers don’t want to hear you talk about the business or your products. They are more interested in why you started that business and why you are so passionate about developing products for them.

Remember these tips and you will be able to turn every detail of your business into great stories to tell. Once you have a compelling story and an engaged audience, marketing is so much easier to do.