5 Facebook Marketing Tips to Beat Your Competitors

It is safe to say either you’re on Facebook or you know about it with a subscriber list of over two billion active users. 53% of these subscribers are always online making it a great platform to reach out to new markets. However, despite Facebook marketing in Perth, being a great avenue for marketing, the competition for your client’s attention and time is intense. 

For this reason, it is crucial to hire the best social media marketing consultant in Perth to ensure the right strategies are executed on this social media platform. Below are five tips to use to beat your competitors in lead generation Perth: 

1. Get The Right Profile Picture 

They say you never have a second chance to make a good first impression. The profile picture on your Facebook page is what your followers will see as they interact with your brand on Facebook. Make sure it is of high quality within 180 by 180 pixels, has minimal text, stylish, and attractive to the eye.
Facebook Marketing in Perth

2. Spice Up The Cover Photo 

Don’t just stop at the profile picture, ensure the cover photo has the potential to wow your potential customers and followers. Cover photos are great for displaying your brand’s slogans and necessary calls to action. Several apps and software can assist in creating your cover photo one don’t necessarily need to be a graphic designer to handle this. In addition to pictures, you can create short videos between 20 and 90 seconds within 820 by 312 pixels. 

Don't worry if you do not have experience with creating graphics and graphic design programs. DesignPro is an easy, drag-and-drop tool for non designers with more than 1500 pre-made design templates for social media.

3. Never Neglect Native Videos 

Videos are attractive and are an ideal way of getting clients to interact with you on Facebook. Use Facebook Live and the other native video player of the platform. Video content marketing goes hand in hand with Facebook. Videos should be eye-catching and entertain with the capability of stopping Facebook users in their tracks. Use native videos as they receive more comments and traffic and are better favored by Facebook’s algorithm. 

4. Create More Than Just Links 

The Facebook algorithm feels like witchcraft at times! Certain posts fall flat, on the other hand, others get great engagement from visitors. So, what determines this? One of the ways to get constant favouritism from this algorithm is to create diversified content for your followers’ feeds. 

Creating promotional content will not do much in attracting visitors to your content. There’s nothing wrong with placing external links to your products or services on your pages, however, this should not be the only content you display. 

5. Optimise Image Sizes 

Facebook’s role is ensuring the overall design and format of the pages works well. Optimising images for your Facebook posts and links must be a part of your Facebook marketing strategy. Counter-check your page on both desktop and laptop to ensure the images look good on all platforms not just mobile so as to have the best Facebook marketing lead generation in Perth. Ensure all images look good and are clear before posting them on your page.