Can Proper SEO Make You Go Viral?

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of getting traffic from organic, free, editorial, and/or natural search results that appear on search engines.


Now, given that roughly 60% of all traffic on the web starts with a simple Google search, it goes without saying why SEO is essential for your online presence. First of all, if your website is properly optimized, you earn money for every search that leads people to your website.

Moreover, if you use a very popular keyword to advertise your content, you may even get more popular because of proper SEO.


However, before rushing and searching for small business SEO services, let’s see if SEO can actually make you go viral!


The Importance of SEO

As highlighted above, SEO helps you gain traffic from natural searches made on various search engines. If you get a lot of traffic like this, it means that the content you create is relevant, searched, and popular online.


If, for example, you don’t get a lot of natural searches, this may imply that your website is not SEO optimized and that your online marketing strategy needs improvement.


Obviously, when we say marketing strategy we refer strictly to your content and SEO – no paid promotions or ads included.


In short, SEO is essential because it drives people to your website without you having to pay a single dime. So, can you go viral without sponsored ads, for example?


It’s Not Just the SEO

First, it is essential to keep in mind that SEO is only one piece of the puzzle that is online popularity. Besides SEO, you also need a popular niche that will drive natural searches towards your website.


As implied by its name, SEO means optimization and not an advertisement. With SEO, you make your website more likely to be found by people. Naturally, this is the first step to becoming viral!


  • The Content – the content that you make must be relevant to your niche so that your visitors don’t leave and, who knows, return to your website for a second time. Keep in mind that content is critical for SEO.


  • Hard Work – you can’t just create meaningless content and as much as possible. As mentioned above, instead of spamming your website with bits of content multiple times a day, it is better if you focus on content pieces that are worth reading.


  • SEO is Critical for Content Transmission – you must keep this in mind when creating content. SEO will make sure that certain content gets ranked high in search engines, but it’s content that will make you go viral.


The Bottom Line

There are some people who state that SEO cannot make you go viral – obviously, they are wrong.


SEO is the very first step – that you must make right – to ensure that you do get viral, in the end.


Think of SEO as the foundation of your home. If you don’t have it, people will soon leave your home, fearing that it will collapse. If you do have it, more and more people will start visiting it every day.


Naturally, some will visit due to SEO and some due to content – but remember that content is what makes SEO work! Therefore, you can’t have the viral factor without the two properly managed on your website!