How To Inspect the Performance of SEO

Search engine optimization may be a combination of art and science, but it is as measurable and responsible as other online marketing channels. The first step is to know the key performance indicators for measuring SEO. By setting up routines for monitoring and evaluating performance, you can effectively manage SEO programs. SEO professionals are constantly looking for indicators to adjust, improve, and even revise strategies. Because while indicators are important, it is even more important how these numbers lead to meaningful development.

Search engine marketing should become an important part of online marketing strategies. It doesn't matter whether you focus more on PPC or SEO (or use them together to get the best performance). The main goal is to get the most profit from your promotions. Starting a PPC advertising campaign requires both marketing and analytical skills.

Although SEO is difficult to analyze, like any other online advertising campaign, it is measurable. In an SEO program, the goal is to get customers to search certain landing pages for certain keywords that are optimized for sale. Therefore, display the sales data by keyword and landing page or URL. This data gives us information about which optimizations successfully led the right searchers to the right pages for the conversion and which did not. Search engine is great software. Preparation for monitoring search engine optimization should begin with your website.

Incoming traffic

The number of people in every company can be slightly different, but websites like Google, Bing or Yahoo attract new visitors in new ways. If you pay close attention to traffic, you can understand the size of traffic, the increase or decrease in traffic, the quality of traffic, user interaction and conversion rates, and other equally important keywords. Knowing who visits your website and where it comes from is the second step to success. Search queries and sponsored links are triggered by keywords. Choosing the best keywords affects both paid and unpaid search traffic for your website.

Organic flow

Branded keywords are unique to each company and often perform better than any other keyword used in SEM campaigns. This is because users who search for your service or product by entering your brand name are familiar with your product and know clearly what they are looking for. A better parameter for such visits is the high correlation between the search query and the presence of the website on the search results page of the search engine. In many cases, brand traffic is related to paid campaigns. Non-branded keywords are keywords we should focus on. The natural traffic generated for these keywords shows you how people who don't know your website interact with it.

After exporting the data to an Excel spreadsheet, you can perform more complex analyzes than just displaying the top-line diagram displayed by the analysis package. Export natural search visits, conversions, and earnings in a regular monthly schedule that fits your workflow. If your business needs additional conversions such as For example, registering for an account or subscribing to a newsletter, export this information as well.

SEO measurement

The performance of keywords depends on the traffic generated on your website. Talking about traffic is not enough. The more traffic you get, the more people will be familiar with your website and products.

Keyword ranking

It's cool to visually see your position growth in search engines, but it's not the most important aspect when monitoring SEO with a special tool. If nj seo Company efforts lead to the expected results, they not only get the idea, but also help with the measurement of search engine optimization. The data traffic correlates strongly with the ranking of the keywords on the search engine results pages.

Backlink growth, quantity and quality

Website backlinks have long been one of the most important ranking factors that search engines use in their algorithms. But so far, it's not just black search engine optimization that is abusing your website to play the system and causing the number of links your website generates. Now you need to consider topics like backlinks that are increasing over time, as well as links from high quality and related websites.


This is one of the most important and critical KPIs that define by SEO reseller success. It also depends on your goals. For example, your KPI is to ensure that you generate N leads by attracting visitors to fill out a form or to make calls. In this case, "the number of people who completed the KPI / visits to the website" determines your SEO success. However, please note that we only count natural searches and natural conversions.

In this way, you can also determine how many viewers actually like what you share and how many people are interested in the products you offer. All of this works, and you can also determine which keywords you get the most traffic from and which ones get the most conversions.

Conversions from recommendations and social sources

Getting more traffic from other sources like social networks means that your external SEO advertising campaigns like content marketing and branding will work more effectively and attract the right audience. The currency conversion enables you to determine the return on investment (ROI) of your SEO campaign. The ROI can also be determined based on the customer's life cycle value. This means that you should not only buy customers for the first time, but also regular customers to understand the exact ROI. A higher conversion rate always means that traffic is more relevant to your business and that your website achieves your business goals better.

Domain authorization

The Domain Name Authority compares your website to monitor SEO performance against the search engine rankings of competitors' websites. Domain permissions depend on your websites and link profiles. Domain permissions can be measured based on 150 different factors based on the SEOmoz model. Domain Authority Ranking is a predictive ranking system that measures the strength of a website. The domain authority also analyzed the site's confidence in interpretation. If the domain authorization is ranked higher, it means that the site is more trustworthy. Domain authorization levels can be broken down into SEO system metrics.

Bounce rate

If visitors only see one page of your website, there is a problem with the architecture of the website, the availability of the website, or the actual content. In addition to ensuring that your website is easy to use, make sure that the keywords that drive traffic are relevant to your marketing goals.

Website speed

It's known that the speed of the website affects search rankings and has become even more important since Google's Hummingbird update. Google knows that people nowadays expect websites to load quickly, so websites that load slowly are penalized.

How to track keyword rankings

Keyword rankings can be tracked using the SEO performance tools available on the market. However, Google does not offer metrics to track keyword rankings. Choosing the right tool makes it easy to track, and some tools also turn their results into action plans that business people can use to improve their website rankings.


Every user who visits your website is different. You can't turn every visitor into your customer. Attracting visitors to your website has no direct impact on conversions. However, if your visitors have been interacting with your website for a long time, this must be the case. Therefore, people who shop on your website should be as important as people who start researching your website. Engagement can also be measured by factors such as bounce rate, time spent on pages, and number of pages visited during a visit.

Analytical methods for measuring SEO

There are many applications available that can be used to evaluate the success of an SEO campaign. Top search engines such as Google and Bing offer such analysis programs together with other SEO consulting companies. With this analyzer, you can track on-page and off-page SEO activities. These programs give you all the details, from the browser type to the user's page access to the website. This data helps improve the site and test changes to the site.

Getting reports helps you better understand how visitors visit your site, how they behave on your site, and how high the conversion rate is. The report shows where most visitors reached your website. This will help you understand which channel can focus more on your SEO activities. Conversion rates help you understand business success.


Knowing your business users is a more important factor in calculating the success of SEO execution tools. By analyzing visitor behavior, you can identify pages that users visit frequently and optimize navigation on your website.

Search query

A search query is a term that a user enters in the search field of a search engine. Impression data, keyword location, and click through rate (CTR) are factors that are used to determine the location of a website. The search query can be divided into different pages of the website, so that you can easily see which term the visitor clicked on that particular term and its ranking.