Dynamic Content: What Is It and Why Does It Matter

Dynamic content is content on digital media that provides information on-the-fly based on users’ interactions and characteristics. Marketers use it to deliver relevant information tailored to individual needs. Anything from customized offers, product recommendations, localized messages, and interactive elements such as videos or polls counts as dynamic content.


Often, creating dynamic content requires top-gear collaboration with multiple departments. It lets multiple people work together to create a part of the exclusive content which can speed up the process.


Having multiple people working on a project brings different perspectives, ideas, and expertise to showcase content that adds value to readers. This is true when working on a WordPress website where all stakeholders are involved in the process that streamlines and enhances the dynamic content. Ideally, this requires using WordPress editorial review plugin to review, edit, and approve/reject the content.


For example, if a user visits a website and browses running shoes, dynamic content can display ads about running shoes crafted to fit to the user’s interests. Here, one team may provide data, another would create images, and some would be involved in copywriting.


Such an approach would yield several benefits. Let’s check it out!

Benefits of dynamic content

Marketers can leverage dynamic content to engage customers by providing timely updates on new products or services and personalized messages tailored specifically for each user. Here are some of the key benefits of dynamic content.

Drive engagement

Dynamic content can increase user engagement by delivering personalized messages and information, ensuring customers receive content relevant to their interests and needs.


For instance, if a specific set of customers are looking for a particular product, the dynamic content might show advertisements for that product with a special offer to such an audience. This requires teams to collaborate and craft custom content that compels the audience to stay on the page longer and become more familiar with the company’s offerings.

Leverage it as a marketing tool

Reach out to potential customers more personally than traditional email campaigns or billboards. Dynamic content is an effective tool to drive personalized marketing. It involves running remarketing campaigns on emails and social media, gender-based discounts (for example, on women's day), or campaigning for Black Friday sales with a running timer on the website.

Enhanced CX

Create better customer experiences by providing personalized information based on user data collected from previous interactions with the company's website or app. Let different teams work simultaneously by leveraging collaborative editing to use data, create content, and work with others to speed up the process.


Such cohesion includes using data to create targeted messages tailored specifically for each user. It makes customers feel like the company understands their requirements and gives them an improved customer experience while driving loyalty.

Helps SEO

Dynamic content can improve search engine rankings by providing up-to-date information about products or services users search online. Since search engines prioritize fresh and relevant content over older static pages, regularly updated dynamic pages ensure that a business website appears higher in search results when someone searches for related keywords or phrases.

How to use dynamic content in your marketing?

Marketers can target multiple dynamic methods to drive conversions depending on the end goal and available channels. Let’s take a look at those.

Use adaptive web design (AWD)

Dynamic content thrives on personalizing the business website by creating content to match user preferences. Ideally, businesses can customize website design that matches various user characteristics and conditions (like mobile devices, browser preferences, etc.) to provide an optimal experience to everyone.


This is accomplished using server-side technologies such as PHP, ASP.NET, and JSP to detect the user’s browser type, screen resolution, and other characteristics. The website then adapts its content and layout to best suit the user’s device and preferences.


AWD helps create a unified user experience across multiple devices, making the website look the same regardless of the user's device. It helps to stay efficient as you can use the same code to create multiple versions of the same content, saving time and money.


Geo-targeting allows marketers to segment their target audiences by location and tailor their messages accordingly, depending on where they are located geographically. For example, a hospitality business can promote its property to users in nearby cities for quick weekend getaways. This allows them to reach customers in different regions with messages based on locally relevant content.


Marketers can use geo-targeting in the following manner —

Identify target locations: The first step is to identify the locations you want to target. This could be based on regions, countries, cities, or even ZIP codes.


Set up the targeting parameters: Based on locations, you can set up the targeting parameters within the platform where you’re creating your dynamic content. This could include IP addresses, device types, languages, and more.


Create location-specific content: After setting up the targeting parameters, you can start creating location-specific content for each region you’re targeting. This could involve changing the content's language or the imagery or visuals used.

Using it in email marketing

Drive better results and engagement through email marketing by using dynamic content that enables personalizing email messages for each recipient. This customization can be content based on a person’s past behavior, interests, demographic data, or purchase history can greatly impact email engagement.


Use personalization tags: This helps push dynamic emails without manually creating different versions of the same message for each recipient. For example, you could use personalization tags to include someone’s first name in the subject line or body of the email.


Create segmented groups: Segmenting your email list allows creating different versions of an email for different types of recipients. For example, if you send an email about summer vacation packages, you could create one email for families and another for couples with different locations and costs.


Dynamic content is becoming integral to digital marketing strategies as it can customize messaging according to audience preferences and behaviors. Businesses adopting dynamic content aims to enhance engagement with target audiences and drive high conversion rates vis-a-vis revenue growth.


Use the power of dynamic content to build brand trust, drive conversions, and improve customer loyalty. Additionally, dynamic content is an effective way to keep customer engagement high while positively impacting results.