How To Conduct Predictive Keyword Research Using Google Ads' Keyword Forecast Tool

Google Ads is a great way to conduct predictive keyword research for greater success. By targeting relevant keywords, you can increase traffic and revenue. Here’s how to do it.

What is Predictive Keyword Research (PKR) and why should you use it.

Predictive keyword research is a process of using technology to predict what words will be searched for in the future. This information can be used to improve your marketing campaigns, optimize website content, and more.

Predictive keyword research tools are available on a variety of websites, including Google AdWords. To conduct predictive keyword research, you first need to identify the keywords that you want to target. Once you know the keywords, you can use search engines to find them in archived data or generate new lists of keywords.

How to Conduct Predictive Keyword Research.

To Conduct predictive keyword research, you first need to identify the keywords that you want to target. Once you know the keywords, you can use search engines to find them in archived data or generate new lists of keywords. The process of predicting what people will search for is called “predicting” and involves taking into account past user behaviour and other factors that could influence future searches. In order to do this effectively, predictive keyword research tools often require input from users who have already made Searches on your product or service. This allows your customers and potential customers access to valuable information before they even click through your links or make a purchase.

How to Use Predictive Keyword Research Tools.

Once you’ve identified the keywords that you want to predict, it's the next step to conduct predictive keyword research. This involves using search engines to find archived data or generate new lists of keywords that match your specific target keywords. By doing this, you can improve your marketing campaigns, optimize website content, and more.

What are the Benefits of Conducting Predictive Keyword Research?

When conducting SEO-focused keyword research, you’ll appreciate the increased traffic that your site will receive as a result of people searching for your keywords. In fact, a study by Google showed that the more commonly used a keyword is, the more likely it is to be ranked higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, using high-quality keywords can lead to increased profits. For example, if you’re an online store looking to rise in popularity with new customers, working with quality keywords can help you do just that.

More profitable campaigns.

By targeting high-value keywords and using well-timed ads, you can increase your chances of making money from your campaign. For example, if you sell products made from natural materials, targeting luxury items or eco-friendly products can lead to lucrative sales opportunities.

Increased ROI on your campaigns.

As alluded to earlier, undertaking predictive keyword research can provide you with increased ROI – meaning that your campaigns will earn more money for every dollar spent on them. This is due in part to the higher quality of keywords used in your searches – which means that fewer clicks are needed to produce results worthy of our attention.

Increased visibility for your site.

Not only will having optimized search engine rankings and acquiring quality paying keywords improve your visibility on the internet (both within and outside of your website), but they also tend to lead to higher click-through rates (CTRs) and better conversion rates when taking actions such as buying or subscribing to services or products related to those keywords (See Figure 1).

Tips for Conducting Predictive Keyword Research.

Google Ads allows you to conduct predictive keyword research by using tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Google Trends. These tools allow you to identify keywords that are being used in your ads and then track their trends over time. To conduct predictive keyword research, you first need to create a Google AdWords Keyword Planner account. This account allows you to create custom ads with different keywords that you'll use to target your customers.

Once you've created an account, enter the keywords for which you want to conduct research and click on the "create ad" button. Once your ad is created, you can start tracking its usage by using the "tracking tools" dropdown at the top of your ad. You can select either daily or monthly tracking, and then select how long each piece of data should be kept. You can also choose to include Google Analytics tracking within your ad, which will provide further insights into how people are using your ads.

Use keyword research techniques.

When conducting predictive keyword research, it’s important to use effective keyword research techniques. This means using keyword Research Methodology Guide (KRM) items such as establishment criteria, target audience, targeting mix, and bid history information. Additionally, collect relevant data on competitor keywords so that you can better understand how they are performing. However, if you are new to the field of digital marketing and want to to rank your website at the top of Google in order to build your business then Incrementors New Jersey keyword marketing techniques may help you in growing your business with upcoming trends.

Conduct keyword research in a timely manner.

Keyword research must be conducted in a timely manner if you want to capitalize on any opportunities created by the data collected so that you can make the most of them. Make sure to gather all of the necessary information needed for your KRM before starting your studies, so that you have a solid understanding of what’s going on and how best to apply it in your campaign plans. Don’t waste time looking for the right keywords when conducting keyword research. rather, gather all of the necessary information needed so that you can make the most of your data collected. By doing this, you can capitalize on any opportunities created by the data, which will in turn help you achieve your desired results.


Predictive Keyword Research (PKR) can have a powerful impact on your website and business. By conducting predictive keyword research in a timely manner, you can increase traffic and ROI on your campaigns. Additionally, by using keyword research tools, you can get a better understanding of what keywords are driving traffic to your site and use that information to improve your marketing efforts. Thanks for reading!