The Role of Video in E-commerce SEO: How to Optimize Your Videos for Search Engines

Videos remain the king of content when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The role of video in eCommerce pages is vital to drive higher traffic, engage audiences, and improve conversion rates.


There are many types of videos to include on an eCommerce page, such as explainer videos, product demos, and reviews. But those videos on your eCommerce site need optimization for search engines.


If you struggle to rank your eCommerce site on search engines, the following discussions can help you overcome the hurdles. We’ve compiled the seven ways to optimize your eCommerce videos for search engines. Let’s dive in!

#1. Host Videos on eCommerce Sites

Video videos for your eCommerce site are vital to improving key metrics like traffic, dwell time, user experience, conversion, and more. Instead of relying solely on third-party platforms like YouTube, host your videos on your website. 


Hosting videos on your eCommerce sites ensures content contributes directly to your website’s SEO value. This strategy may lead to another big question, “Will the video affect the page load time?” Yes, but you can also prevent It.


In order to prevent your videos from slowing down your site performance, here are some ways you can do:


  • Compress video files to reduce their sizes.
  • Implement lazy loading techniques where the video loads only when users scroll to the video part.
  • Use modern video formats (HTML5) and codecs (H.264 and VP9)
  • Set up caching mechanisms, so the video will be stored temporarily on the user’s device

#2. Optimize Video Sitemaps

A sitemap is a file that includes all the website’s pages and conveys information about its organization and structure. It is a roadmap for search engines to understand and navigate your website’s content.


For e-commerce pages, sitemaps are particularly important because they help search engines discover and index your site’s pages and categories. Here are some practices you can do:


  • Use video tools or plugins that automatically generate a video sitemap for your website.
  • Include essential video details, such as the video’s title, description, duration, thumbnail URL, and the webpage where the video is embedded.
  • Follow sitemap XML guidelines according to the guidelines specified by the search engines.
  • Submit and regularly update your video sitemap.
  • Monitor indexing and errors.

#3. Use Relevant Keywords

Keywords are fundamental for eCommerce SEO. Research relevant keywords using tools like Google Trends or paid services like Ahrefs and SEMrush. Use your keywords to optimize video metadata.


Consider using long-tail keywords, as they have a lower search volume. Long-tailed keywords are also more specific and less competitive. Even so, they often indicate higher user intent and can lead to more targeted traffic and conversions. For example, instead of targeting “marketing tool,” target “marketing tool for a small team.”


Include keywords in your metadata, such as titles, video descriptions, tags, and hashtags. Remember to keep your titles clear and concise by putting your product name, functions, and/or benefits.

#4. Use Subtitles

Subtitles don’t only enhance accessibility but also provide an opportunity to add keyword-rich text to your videos. Transcribe the spoken content and ensure it accurately reflects the dialogue or narration. Incorporate relevant keywords within the captions/subtitles.


In fact, research reveals that 92% of video consumers watch videos on mobile devices without sound. So subtitles can be helpful for your visitors and search engines. You can use a subtitle generator to speed up this process.

#5. Implement Schema Markup

Implement video schema markup on your website. It’s a structured data vocabulary that helps search engines learn the content and context of web pages. 


Your schema markup should include additional information about different elements on a page, such as videos, products, events, and more. Search engines will understand and display relevant video information in search results. You can implement schema markup by:


  • Selecting the schema type that best fits the nature of your video content
  • Including essential video properties (the video’s title, description, duration, upload date, and thumbnail URL.)
  • Embedding the schema markup code
  • Validating your schema markup and testing the appearance in search results
  • Keep schema markup up to date

#6. Perform Page Optimizations

Optimize the page surrounding your video content. Ensure that you optimize the website speed and mobile-friendliness. User experience factors contribute to SEO rankings, so a well-optimized page can positively impact your video’s visibility.


Place videos strategically on your page to improve user engagement and encourage longer visit durations. Consider some strategic placements, such as a landing page, product page, and testimonial section.

#7. Promote Your Video Across Platforms

Promotion is an essential part of eCommerce. The more people view your video, the higher the traffic you will get. Therefore, you can promote your eCommerce page consisting of videos on multiple platforms.


Consider Facebook as the biggest social media today. Also, you can leverage other platforms like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. The tip is to find the platforms where your target customers are.


Running an eCommerce site isn’t a one-night job. Constant updates and optimizations are necessary to keep your site high-performing. Also, implementing the right website and video SEO is necessary to rank your site on search engines. 


The above points are actionable tips you can immediately perform on your eCommerce site. Create high-quality videos using top-tier equipment and always provide value in your content to engage visitors and build credibility.


To have better results, you can also use Experro, an exemplary eCommerce website builder, provides a comprehensive platform for businesses to create, customize, and manage their online stores. Also users can easily optimize their sites for search engines, ensuring higher visibility and increased organic traffic.