Remember the film “Field Of Dreams” and the tagline “If you build it, they will come?” Well, the same goes true for a Google Gadget, MySpace Widget or Yahoo Widget. Social Media Marketing and Viral Marketing are the crux of the online industry. Create a great looking website, fill it with informative content and useful information and viola - you have something that people will want. Something people will even be willing to pay for.
The trick is to get them to see your website. This is where viral marketing and social marketing come in. It is amazing what a few simple tricks that you can learn on the internet can do for your business. Creating a Google Gadget or a Yahoo Widget is not difficult at all.These are little bits of code that can be implanted in text. Because they are attractive little photo codes, they are appealing in text and can be put just about anywhere. Many people use these as their signatures on forums and blog posts to draw attention to their websites. They are very, very effective marketing tools and not difficult to create.
There are several tutorials online about how to create a widget or gadget. The first thing you need to understand is that this will connect to a website.Every time the website updates, the text that you use can update. A widget or gadget can be used in many different ways. For the most part, however, they should be used as a way to update information.
If, for example, you connect your widget to the weather channel, and you incorporate it into text into your website, your website will be updated every time the weather changes, which is often. This can continue to keep your website updated and at the top of RSS feeds.
If you change your website frequently, you will want to build a gadget or widget connecting it to your website. Again, with every change, the widget will automatically reflect that a change is being made. If you have subscribers to your website, even if it is a social page on MySpace, anywhere you post the widget online will continually update each time you change your MySpace page.
Think of what you use in your business that repeats often. Instead of constantly notifying people that you have a new shipment of a certain product, for example, you can incorporate a google gadget into something like a subscriber link and have it automatically update each time you change your website. You can spread the links all over the internet, on bookmarking sites as well as social networking sites and the sky is the limit.
Building a Yahoo Widget, MySpace Widget or Google Gadget is simple and fun. There are fun tutorials that teach you how to complete this task. Just think about what you want to do with the gadget or widget and how you want to use it. Then log onto the Google, Yahoo or Myspace and follow the prompts. Then you can start building it.
And they will come.