New Facets of Social Media Marketing

When today everybody, whether it’s a celebrity or a fifth grade student, is chit chatting on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, I thought I should also talk a little this time. Everyone is so eager to file the FIR (First Information Report) to these sites whether it’s personal or professional, whether it’s the stress in the office or the new gift from a boy friend, all we have to say it first to the carriers of internet’s one billion plus account holders - Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. So, why not to take out some benefit for the businesses as well.

Marketing had only been a one way communication i.e. from the marketers view point. In the past marketers were only concerned to advertise about the new product marketing or we can say that only at the time of any new launches. They don’t prefer to talk to their customers when there are no new launches. But, time changes everything and so the way of marketing also took a change. Every company whether small or big, whether listed on the stock market or not, running even in a small shop approaches uses social media marketing for every damn purpose of marketing for their offerings and talk freely with their consumers via social media.

The one way communication part has came to an end, now the market king called consumers have the power to like or dislike a brand directly on internet; post anything and everything, which actually helps brands to know the consumer and market insight. Marketers now prefer to must have an account on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, etc. They don’t approach the media on a new launches only, but they prefer to connect with their consumers daily or weekly. Marketers now are more conscious about their strategies and share everything with their consumers.

Of course managing all the social media account on daily basis sounds a bit difficult task, but there are ways with which you can easily handle these accounts and update your comments regularly. Pluggio, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, SeesmicCoTweet, BrizzlyBuzzomare the tools from where you can manage multiple accounts from one place, one comment or one post on any of these above accounts and it will be posted on all of your selected media accounts.

Internet marketing is not all that tough job now, when there are so my tools to manage it easily. So next time when you have a thought, just share it with your audience and see what you get in return for it.

Arifa Raj

The author is a business researcher with CheckBuzz, a social media monitoring company.

About CheckBuzz : A Social Media Monitoring Company, which tells brands/corporates what bloggers, journalists, powerful consumers, or even ordinary people are saying about them. Having a healthy experience of 3+ years, this company gives its solutions on Social media consulting, Social media marketing and Social media monitoring.

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