How to Use TikTok: A Step-by-Step Guide

There’s no question that the use of the TikTok app is on the rise. Now, there are many stores and businesses scrambling to download the app and see how they can take advantage of this new popular platform.

For both business owners and marketers learning how to use yet another social media platform for marketing purposes may seem daunting and tedious, it’s well worth the time and effort. What’s even better is that TikTok is designed to be fun, so you don’t have to keep everything stuffy and professional. However, before jumping into TikTok marketing, it’s necessary to learn some basics and to investigate TikTok video length and video formatting.

Once you get the basics down, you need to learn the “vibe” of TikTok if you want your efforts to be successful. As mentioned before, this is a fun platform. Some effective marketing ideas and methods to try can be found below.

Create a Hashtag Challenge

An essential part of TikTok’s community is challenges. Users of this platform love taking part in challenges, creating videos, and uploading them. Usually, the challenges are given a #-name, which makes them memorable and easy for you to find.

An example of a memorable and popular TikTok challenge was the #tumbleweedchallenge created by Jimmy Fallon. In this challenge, he encouraged users to upload videos of themselves dropping onto the ground and then rolling around just like a tumbleweed. In the videos, you could hear western music playing. This particular challenge generated more than 8,000 submissions and more than 10.4 million engagements.

As a brand, you can encourage a hashtag challenge through TikTok. Unless you have been able to create a popular channel on this platform alone, it is a good idea to work with various influencers to get your #hashtag challenge some traction. Once it is launched, anyone can participate with just a few clicks.


Use User-Generated Content

This is another type of marketing that a business or brand can create on their own TikTok channel, or they can work with influencers to help encourage followers to create custom, user-generated content (UGC) to support the brand or business in one way or another.

Individuals from Generation Z love the full, immersive experience offered by the TikTok platform. This is why they aren’t sitting at home just watching a traditional television broadcast. This is considered too much of a passive experience. People from Generation Z prefer to be more involved with what they are watching.

It’s up to you to find a way to encourage your customers to share the videos of themselves using or even interacting with the products you offer in some manner. By doing this, you will get a higher buy-in.


Traditional Influencer Marketing

All of the influence marketing techniques seen on other video-based platforms, such as YouTube, will work via TikTok, as well. If your product is suited for the audience of an influencer, then the influencer campaign you create should be successful. Usually, you should leave it up to the influencer to begin creating the content for your brand or business – after all, they are the ones who know what their followers like.

In some situations, all you have to do is encourage an influencer to create videos that show them wearing or using the product.

Making the Most of TikTok Marketing

When it comes to TikTok marketing, there are more than a few factors to consider. Be sure to keep the information here in mind to get the desired results and grow your brand. While TikTok may be the “new kid on the block,” it can be highly effective when used properly.