How to add special product pricing in Magento 2

Guide on adding special product pricing in Magento 2

If you are looking to motivate customers to buy more products on your site, offering product discounts can be one of the strategies to consider. This instrument is an effective marketing tool to increase the sales of slow-moving products because every client would like to get his or her favourite products for a cheaper price.

Introducing special price promotions in Magento 2 is a simple process which requires you to enter the values of the product’s discounted price and its duration. The discounted price will usually be displayed both on the catalog page and product detail page and the old one will be greyed out.

How to configure Magento 2 Special Price

Step 1: Login to your Admin account and go to CatalogProducts;

Step 2: From the list of available products, scroll down to the one you would like to introduce a special price for and hit the corresponding Edit button located under the Action column.

Step 3: Scroll the page down and click the Advanced Pricing link located under the Price field. A new window called Advanced Pricing should open up.

Step 4a: Set the Special Price settings by specifying the Special Price amount, choose the appropriate dates in the Special Price From and To fields.

Step 4b: Additionally, you may take advantage of the Customer Group Price menu to set the price for a particular website or store view. To do that, click the corresponding Add button, choose the Website and Customer Group. Specify the Quantity and Price of the discounted product. Click the Done and then the Save buttons to confirm the changes that we’ve just made.

Step 5: Go to the product page of the items we’ve applied our special prices to and observe the changes:

Extending the basic functionality of Magento 2 Special Price

If you would like to enhance the basic functionality of the special price feature in Magento 2, take a look at some Magento 2 Special Price extensions which will help you to display and customize the special price countdown timer on both product and category pages.