5 Web Design Mistakes Novice in the Digital Business usually Commit

Starting an online venture is what most of the fresh graduates need look for as they think it is quite easy to deliver. There are a lot of features of a full-fledged ecommerce website which can be really hard to achieve with the development part not everybody’s cup of tea. On the other hand, the design part is also very much demanding as it is where a website can attract visitors in hordes. If you don’t know how to do it, you better get the assistance of a professional designer.

The dynamics of conducting a business in Canada is the same as anywhere in the world. If you want to start your business, then you definitely need some expertise in this concern or help from an experienced designer for an apt web design solution that deliver immersive user experience to your website visitors. 

Unfortunately, that is easier said than done as the same web design mistakes are repeated multiple times. The help from a reputed web design company in toronto can be your savior in this concern. In this blog now, I will tell you about some of the biggest web design mistakes you can’t dare to commit.


1. Multiple Colors and Fonts

Imagine your web visitor coming to your website to find some information but instead what user gets is flashy colors and animation that puts him off. Would he or she ever return to your website? Colors and animations makes your web design visually appealing but you need to use it sparingly and wisely to make them work. Colors and fonts on your website should align with your brand personality and help your web visitors instantly connect with your brand. 


2. Poor Navigation that is Difficult to Comprehend

Confusing and poor navigation on your website will only result in more dissatisfied customers and cast negative shadows on the overall user experience of your website. Place navigation bar of the website at a prominent location on your website so that users can find it easily and browse through different pages of the website. Allow users see any page of your website to any other page without any hassle to enhance the user experience. Add a sitemap on your site to help users navigate through the website.


3. Slow Load Time

You have just 8 seconds get the attention for your website else your visitors will never come back on your website. Few seconds can make a world of difference when it comes to a site’s load time. Reduce excess baggage and make your website nimble so it can load within few seconds. Even if you can cut down few seconds off your load times, it can prove to be a major improvement on the user experience. 


4. No Contact Information and Call to Action

What you want to achieve with your website? If you want your website to be the gateway to your brand’s products and services and want to connect with your customers, then you must place a persuasive call to action on your website. In addition to this, you must mention all the contact details so that users can contact you through multiple channels. Websites that lacks effective call to actions and visible contact information tends to fail to fulfill the purpose they are designed for in the first place.


5. Inconsistent Interface

Your website might be pleasing to look at but when it comes to user experience, it needs to be Instead of going overboard with creativity, it is better to strive for delivering a consistent user experience to web visitor by keeping things simple and functional. User can connect the dots and connect with your brand in a much better way when you keep the interface consistent throughout the website. It doesn’t matter if you are starting a photo studio production business or selling gadgets online, a consistent interface will help you a lot.


Final Word

With some simple changes to your website design, you can achieve much better results. Avoid these web design mistakes and see your website attract and retain more visitors. If you want to know more about any of the aspects mentioned above or want to ask a question about anything you haven’t understood, you are more than welcome.

For either way, please feel free to use the comments section below.