Security for Word Press: Techniques to Create an Anti-hacking Fortress

You will surely know that WordPress is the most used content manager in the web world. To be more specific, this CMS covers 53.8% of the market, followed by Joomla with 9.2%. And while the popularity of WordPress has a ton of benefits, it also has downsides.

One of those disadvantages is being the most hacked CMS on the internet. To give you an idea, I tell you that there have even been cyber attacks that have become a milestone in the history of the web.

In 2017, for example, multiple security companies alerted to a massive attack on websites using WordPress. Back then, Word Fence Security's cyber security team recorded an incredible 14.1 million attacks per hour. Having said that, let's go to the practical part of this article.


Techniques to Increase WordPress Security


1. WordPress update matters and quite a lot

A large number of cyber attacks find a vanishing point in the multiple plugins and themes that WordPress offers. There are several WordPress notices and alerts that notify the automatic update of certain tools. However, the most important updates are not automatic. Due to this, a central practice when it comes to increasing the security of your WordPress is to check the plugin updates and the theme you are using. Many hackers take advantage of these tools to study the code of the program and find an entrance to the websites that use WordPress. Retentively or once a violation has been registered, the programs take new security measures and generate an update. That is why it will always be safer to work with the latest version of the programs you use.


2. Avoid using the default WordPress user

When installing WordPress on your website, you will have a default user with which you can access the platform. Don't be an easy target and avoid using common username. A hacker or cyber criminal will appreciate that you use the user who gives you WordPress by default, since everything will be more comfortable for them.


3. Don't neglect your password

This point has been repeated to exhaustion, but we can not fail to mention it. We know that having a password for all your accounts or using one that is easy to remember is more comfortable, but we have to prioritize security over comfort. To get a strong password, WordPress offers you a strong password generator. You can also try online tools like Secure Key, Password Generator or Last Past .

Incidentally, this tip is not just for WordPress, but can be extended to other online platforms as well.


4. Backup your information

No website is 100% secure. Of course, security measures can be taken to protect your online platform; but nobody is free to suffer a data breach. A basic rule of thumb regarding security is to have backups or back-ups. Thanks to this, you will have a backup of the information that may be damaged or deleted. Your hosting provider could help you with this, as there are some companies that offer backups including their web hosting plans. There is also the option of using a backup plugin (Backup WordPress, Xcloner, Complete Central Backup, WordPress Backup to Dropbox, BackWPup Free, among others) and have a Backup scheduled from time to time.


5 . Add a plugin to your WordPress security barrier

There are some specialized security plugins for WordPress security. Install them in very easy and they will add to your security barriers. These programs will help reduce or prevent DDoS attacks, brute force attacks, code injections, installation of malware, among others.


6. Check the security of your hosting provider

Choosing a hosting server also affects the security of your website. If selecting a web hosting company consisted of finding the cheapest plan, you probably have to change companies.

We recommend you look at the following characteristics.

  • Regular backup or backups.

  • Security firewall

  • 24 × 7 support (ideally with telephone assistance)

  • Anti spam filter

In case of having a shared hosting, you can also verify that your account is isolated from other users of the server. Otherwise, your hosting could be damaged by the infection of other web hosting.

7. Don't post your PHP errors

PHP errors is a warning or notification that reports some problems that prevent the optimal functioning of a website. This information may seem quite useful to you.But what if it falls into the wrong hands? The hacker will have inside information on your website and will know exactly where your system fails. Because of this, the best option is to restrict these reports. Although there are control panels (included in your hosting plan) that allow you to disable these types of reports;Here we will try to explain this step without the help of third parties.

8. Delete the WP_ prefix from your database

By installing WordPress on your website, the user names, password and database will be created automatically. This information is known in the hacker environment and if you do not make any changes, practically your data is public knowledge. Don't be alarmed, changing this prefix is ??easy, although it may seem a bit long. Remember that before executing this action, it is recommended to make a backup copy, in case of affecting the system or generating an unwanted change.


Follow these 8 WordPress security measures, and your site will be considerably more protected than the nearly 10 million Word Press-created websites you can find on the internet.

Don't keep waiting for a cyber attack to take security measures, you can start today!