Reach Positive ROI through Promotion

How to attract customers to your new business


When you start your own business, it is vital that it survives the first few months, at least so that you could service the basic costs that you have and earn a salary for yourself. The first steps are the most difficult ones. If you manage to go through this initial period, your business will most certainly develop in the way you conceived at the very beginning. However, this does not mean that you should relax and rest on laurels as soon as you start getting a higher income. The key to a successful small private business is constant prudent work and careful money management. When it comes to this side of launching a business of your own, it is essential that at the beginning you do not spend too much money, but still succeed in attracting customers to your business. One of the best ways for achieving a substantial return on (initial) investment is definitely through your business giveaway materials.


How to reach people?

This depends largely on the type of work you are into. You have to make people find out about you. Informing people on your existence is possible in many ways. One of them is paying commercials on local radios or distributing leaflets all over apartment buildings or car windshields. However, the latter option is a bit eco-unfriendly, so better stick to green ones. One of the green options is the already mentioned radio commercial. The promo part could be the one in which you invite people to come to your restaurant and order a specific menu. For each menu, you can give a freebie. It is obvious that people like free stuff and giving away promotional items will have a positive effect on your return on investment in that area.

Promotional items 

What to give away?

It is not a silly question at all, because several factors are included in the issue of what particular items to give away. First of all, what do you want to achieve through a particular promo object? If you want something to last longer, such as a T-shirt, you will have to invest more money. Giving away a low-quality T-shirt will leave your potential or current customer dissatisfied with your promotion, which is the last thing you need. These T-shirts, for example, should be durable and suitable even for a sport routine.

On the other hand, if you want your name to be promoted and seen in many places and still keep your ROI substantial, items such as pens, key rings and even small notebooks are always handy. Pens are especially popular in the business world and in the field of education. They are used in numerous places in most variable contexts.


Keep the record

When you want to give away promo items, make it a real fun and an investment for the future of your business. For instance, you can devise interesting registration forms and offer the people to whom you are giving promo items to fill them in. When their birthday is coming closer, you can send them also some interesting items. That way you will not go bankruptcy, but you are still going to keep the record of your customers. Also, you will let them know that you are about them. Such care will be rewarded with your customers' loyalty.