7 Tips To Improve Conversion Rate Of Your Website

Conversion Rate Optimization is a process to enhance the website’s capability to pursue its visitors and to increase the percentage of visitors converting in to the customers or leads to help website owner to attain their goals like increase in sales and more revenues.

Why Conversion Rate Optimization is important and what can it do for you?

Our Experience says that Conversion Rate Optimization on any un-optimized website can easily double its revenues just by improving by conversion rate without any need of additional traffic  and would lower down the overall customer acquisition cost significantly.

Not only it will help you to get the money which you were leaving on the table because of the bad site architecture and poor landing pages, it would also reduce your overall spend on pay-per-click campaign because of the improvement in the quality score of your Adwords account.

Now you might be thinking about how can you improve your conversion rate? This article will analyze the tips which will help you to improve the Conversion Rate of your website.

Be a Credible Source – Websites which can portray themselves as a credible source convert better because of the “trust factor”. Visitors have that feeling of trust they need for buying products towards such websites. But how can you make your website Credible?

Most of the people evaluate a site mainly by its visual design so having a professional web design with an easy to navigate web structure is very important. Adding logos and images of reliable sources like BBC, CNN, images of awards your product have won (See the image below- Logos of CNN, Fox News and other reliable sources)


Adding reassurance logos of third party websites as shown in image below is also a great way to build some credibility for your website.

Be Persuasive – Landing pages should be persuasive so that they can easily convince the visitor to take the decision you want him to take. Inserting positive testimonials, Using of words like “Free” “Sale” in your sales copy, adding relevant images about the product, Adding a detailed comparison of your product with product of your competitors and proving that your product is much better than other are few ways to make your pages more persuasive.

Create persuasive content for your landing pages that can answer to all the questions in the mind of visitor and convince him to take the decision of your choice. Using attention grabbing headlines, using bold  font for USP of your product so that it can easily stand out from rest of the content, offering free gifts, providing a money back guarantee are few ways to make your pages persuasive enough to convert your visitors into customers. 

Be Usable – The process which you want your visitors to complete should be as simple as possible. Remove the steps which are not important from the process and make it short. Do not ask for the information which your users might not like to share with you or which is of no use for you. Guide the users throughout the process with proper information and help wherever required so that they can complete the process smoothly. For e.g.:- User may like to see the shipping charges or guarantee policies before checkout so you can place links to the pages with such information during checkout.

Proper Positioning - It is important to be careful about the positioning of call to action link because you would never like to lose your potential customers because they were not able to find out your call to action link. Your call to action link buttons should be big in size and at the place ( It is recommended to place them above the fold) where your visitor can find it easily so that no effort is required for searching it. Take example of mailchimp.com to see the positioning of their call to action link. Call to action link is easily visible to the visitors.


Be Useful – Is your product would be of any real help for your visitors? Is it going to make lives of your customer easier? Ask yourself these questions and if your answer is No then no optimization technique can increase your conversion rate. Be a useful source for your visitors by providing them with useful content and products every time they come to your website.




Be Valuable – How much value are you adding in your customer life in real time? For e.g. -   If your potential customer wants you to deliver a product within 24 hours, you provide quick delivery facility to your customers but did not mentioned it on your landing page, then most probably your visitor would go away and buy from anywhere else even if you are selling for cheap because time is more important for him than money at that time. So make your page more valuable for your visitors by adding all information which is not related to product but still may affect the buyer decision.


Gagandeep Singh is working as marketing executive for Invesp and helps E-commerce websites in creating killer landing pages and to make their conversion rate optimization campaigns successful.