Is Your Marketing Blog Resonating with Consumers?

Is blogging part of your marketing game plan?

Blogging is a vital tool in your marketing tool kit - it costs less than many other marketing methods, yet has a powerful potential to bring you traffic, customers and yes, even sales.

Blogging to bring in new customers (and engage existing ones) should always be a part of your marketing game plan.

Here are six reasons why:

Blogging Brings You Traffic

Every blog post you create equals fresh new content that can bring traffic to your website.

Say for example you write a blog post addressing a problem that your product can solve. When customers search online for solutions to that problem, they'll hopefully find your blog post.

Use your blogging voice to offer interesting and useful content and you will entice more visitors and more customers.

Blogging Improves Your Search Engine Ranking

As the article "Blogging to Bring in New Customers" explains, unique, quality content positively influences your search engine rankings.

Search engines are looking for pages that are relevant and on topic.

For example, if you sell cars and your blog is chock full of helpful information about buying, selling and choosing cars, search engines will look favorably on it.

A regularly updated blog means a regular stream of relevant quality content for search engines to find.

Blogging Brings You Leads

Getting leads is the name of the game. Qualified leads who convert to buyers are the lifeblood of your business.

When prospects look for information, make sure they find you.

As outlined above, a relevant and regularly updated blog brings you traffic and helps you rank well in the search engines. This also translates to leads.

When a customer who is looking to buy a service like yours searches for what they want, your blog can attract their attention and show them that your business has the answers.

Blogging Establishes You as an Expert

Customers are looking for much more than a good deal.

They're looking for expertise, trustworthiness and businesses who really understand their needs and concerns.

Blogging is an effective way to establish your business as just that.

Well-written blog posts are an excellent vehicle for showing your expertise and in depth knowledge of your field.

When you do that, you stand out from the competition.

Blogging Builds Trust

Customers love to do business with brands they know and trust, and blogging is a good way to establish that trust.

When customers regularly read your blog, they start to see you as a friend. Your business becomes familiar and they look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Blog comments provide an opportunity to interact with your customers and make them part of the discussion, too. It all adds up to more trusting relationships, which in turn lead to more sales.

Blogging Boosts Your Social Media Presence

Sharing your blog posts on your social media accounts is one way to keep your feeds updated and direct your followers towards longer form content. Sharing this way reminds customers of the expertise you have to offer.

You can also encourage social sharing by adding buttons to your blog posts that encourage your customers to share them on their own social media profiles. That means more brand awareness and potentially more followers and paying customers.

A strong social media presence can also boost your search engine rankings, so blog posts that get liked and shared by you and others can serve to direct yet more people to your business.

Blogging should be an integral part of your marketing plan.

Make your blog a magnet for customers and keep them coming back with quality content that customers and search engines alike will love.