5 Best SEO On-Page Optimization Techniques

What is On-Page SEO?
On-page SEO is a process of optimizing web pages in order of higher rank in order of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS). On-page SEO is to do with both content of web pages and technical SEO.

Then what is off-Page SEO?
The off-page SEO is about link creating and other signals that we can give to search engine to engage and convince the visitors about the usefulness and quality of the website.

Which is more important than?
We need both off-page SEO and On-page SEO as well to achieve desirable exposure and fulfill user need and keep them happy.

From my point of view, On-page SEO is more important because via this more signals we can give and the higher chances to achieve better rating.

5 On-page SEO for better rankings is:

1. Good Content
Content comes first, a great website can do with brilliant content without or with SEO Services. Now the question arises what is good content?

Original content: Only original information no rewrites and copies are allowed.
Sometimes even if we published content before, we can publish it again.

Long articles should be opt over short articles for better rank

2. Page title , formatting and description

Search engines checks the page title description and formatting, the heading and content should be catchy and appealing This will show the basic thing which allow us to know what content all is about and they will rank on the basis of its way of presenting.

Headings, subheadings should be formatted properly and in bold and italic format.

3. URL Structure
It is most important part. It should be divided into 4 major parts:

Permanent Links: Unique URL for each page.

Categories: Group pages into categories to help engines and users too to find what they want.

Breadcrumb: It allows website to navigate in a structured way to got to know what they are and how deep the content is.

User Sitemap: This shows the structure of our website in HTML format.

4. Internal Linking
Linking pages within or website, and it is important in SEO because: It’s like building a web of our own.

It’s a way to let search engines know about our other links too and which are the most important one

5. Speed and Mobile
Faster website higher it will be ranked and Search engine I/O somewhere will help in speed of website.

Mobility: About 70% of devices are in present coming from mobile devices and making sure the website should be mobile friendly. This is the new way of building super-fast mobile friendly pages.