How To Promote Your Online Courses To Increase Sales

Having an online course can help you assert your expertise and connect with your target market in a meaningful way. Whether you manage a brick-and-mortar business or provide services online, teaching others how to succeed with your craft (or service) can be mutually beneficial for both you and the learner.

Take a look at the myriad of courses available on Udemy for a good example of what we mean. Search across a variety of categories--not just your own--and you’ll quickly see how so many others are reaping the benefits of this unique marketing tactic. Take a few courses to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs, and check out how those course educators are branding themselves off of educational platforms. If you’ve decided to take the plunge, here’s a few ways to promote your online courses to help increase sales:

Work With A Niche Agency

Working with a niche agency allows you to leverage third-party expertise in your industry. Dan Steiner, who runs an SEO firm for attorneys, says, “If you’re looking for professional help marketing your online courses, hiring a marketing agency that’s reputable in your industry can pinpoint exactly where you need to go, and how you’re going to get there.” A generalized agency would likely have to conduct days of research to understand the type of material that a niche agency already has on hand.

Let’s say you’re hosting an online course to teach gaming development and coding for beginners. Would you rather work with an agency whose client list includes food businesses and fashion commerce, or an agency that works exclusively promoting indie game developers? If you have the budget to hire some help, keep this in mind.

Incentive People

Another way to attract your audience is by incentivizing them to participate. One way to do this is by giving them a reason to spread the word about your course. This not only gets them in the program, but could get others involved.

Another idea is to promote an interactive quiz at the end of your video and use it a springboard for a giveaway. You can choose to give away your own products, or, if you have a big enough audience, reach out to other businesses for sponsorships for your giveaway.

Talk To Influencers

Influencers can have, well, tremendous influence on your success. Consumers trust people they know and follow, which is why influencer marketing has great success rates across a myriad of industries. Whether you’re selling a service, a product, or an online course, the good word of an influencer in your niche can help you gain some steam.

Start by conducting research on influencers that are relevant to your course. Tools like Grin allow marketers to sort through thousands of popular social profiles at once, using filters to narrow their search to a targeted pool of individuals. Then, begin crafting personalized emails for each influencer, detailing your online course and how it relates to their personal brand. Offer them the course for free in exchange for a review.

Be sure to reach out to both established influencers and those who are trending in their market. For example, if you’re teaching a course about SEO, chances of Neil Patel reviewing your course in exchange for a good word are slim, but up-and-coming marketing professionals might be more willing. These influencers not only help you attract your desired audience, but can help shape the final product with valuable feedback.

Start A Guest Posting Strategy

Guest posting and influencer marketing are something like cousins. For those who aren’t familiar with it, here’s how guest posting works: when you’ve demonstrated your expertise in a certain area, you can reach out to popular blogs and publications and request to write a piece for them. In exchange for housing your publication for free, they’ll usually include 2-3 links of your work, and you do have some creative freedom to incorporate your online course. This isn’t a place for you to be too sales-y, but rather, take advantage of reaching an audience that someone else has worked hard to cultivate.

Reach Out To Podcasts 

Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular; every year, more and more shows are being downloaded, and podcasts reach an entirely new wave of people: those who like to multi-task. They can tune in while driving, listen while cooking, and whatever else suits them.

Just as with guest blogging, the premise is the same: make a list of relevant podcasts in your industry, and begin reaching out to each of them. Be sure you have your value proposition clearly stated: what makes you an expert in your field? Keep it short and succinct. If the host wants your CV, they’ll ask for. Otherwise, practice your “elevator pitch” by listing out three bullet points that embody what you bring to the table.