Marketing Saving Lives is Everyone’s Business

As it relates to a brand’s marketing initiatives, spreading one’s message through online and more traditional means is always a good thing.

For those in the healthcare business, marketing is a major player; especially considering how many lives can be helped and ultimately saved when the right message reaches the right people.

That said marketers (whether they work for a marketing company or market their own businesses) must always be looking to get the latest trends in products and services out to the shopping and ultimately buying public.

So, are you doing all you can to get your brand’s marketing message heard loud and clear?

Market with a True Purpose

When you market in the healthcare industry, you have to remember that those products and services sometimes can mean the difference between life and death for many individuals.

For example, think about how many times CPR has helped saved someone’s life. You might be surprised to learn how resourceful CPR is in making the difference between life and death.

If you are a hospital, medical office, employer or host of other companies and organizations, marketing the importance of CPR can never be underestimated. In fact, it is one of the most valuable tools for individuals to learn.

Whether you move towards providing more information online at or another such option, always make it so the consumer can learn as much as possible about how a product or service can assist them, not to mention quite frankly many others.

Your marketing efforts should be directed on several fronts, including:

  • Blog content – If your website’s blog has been inactive or downright dull to say the least, take the time to change that. Your blog is one of your best marketing tools, so use it to the full extent. The blog needs to be updated regularly, including authoritative and informative news, and be viewed upon as a worthwhile industry source. It also does not hurt to open the blog to guest bloggers on occasion, especially those that have notable experience in your particular industry. If running and marketing a healthcare blog, it is a good idea to have physicians, those running medical offices or hospitals (CEO etc. are good sources), and others with links to the medical industry guest posting. One of a number of benefits to this approach is that in turn, those individuals will likely promote the posts on their social media (see more below) accounts;

  • Press releases – The standard press release certainly does not have to be boring or an effort greater than that of you and/or your team. Any press releases should be relatively short and sweet (don’t go on for several pages, you’ll tend to lose most people). Also make sure that all press releases have pertinent contact information, details that are easy to locate on the release. Nothing is more frustrating for consumers and others than having to hunt around for a contact when they want more information;

  • Social networking – For as important as your blog content and press releases are, will they really get all that much traction if you’re not spreading their respective messages on social media? You don’t have to (in fact you should not) be spread too thin across numerous social platforms. Keep your social media efforts simple and yet effective. When individuals come to you on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.) wanting more information about your product or service, don’t leave them hanging on a response. For those marketing healthcare products and/or services, this is especially important given the nature of the matter. You should also look to network with others in your respective industry, allowing you to learn more about current trends and what many consumers are talking about.


Marketing is important for any brand, especially those involved in the healthcare business.

Always look at your marketing efforts as a never-ending campaign, a campaign that you want to ultimately bring more attention to your brand, while all the time helping consumers.

If you have the right formula for such, you could not only be marketing your brand on a path to success, but you could be changing and saving a few lives along the way.