Logos: What Makes a Good Graphic Design Today?

Logos can be thought of as merely visual identifiers for businesses, but the process of designing one is not so simple. In today's smaller, more globalized world, there are a huge variety of logos in circulation. However, many business owners get carried away by the possibilities presented in computer generated art programs. While graphic design technology has changed dramatically over the past 50 years, the principles behind making an effective, enduring logo have not. Attracting consumer attention requires inventiveness and subtlety in equal measure. Too much of either will make your design too noisy or not memorable enough.

Keep It Simple
The greatest temptation when designing a logo is to make it as intricate as possible. As part of a business's brand it is necessary to stands out, but simplicity is of equal importance. While it is true, a complex logo may attract attention most immediately, elaborate logos have a harder time lasting in the memory of consumers. A logo does not have to express everything about a company all at once: only enough to attract interest and state with some clarity the purpose of the business. Consider the nature of the business and create a unique, but easily recalled image for your logo.

Audience Awareness
The type of imagery used in a logo should depend on the people it aims to attract. Certain consumer bases prefer clear and direct images over more abstract designs. Even subtle changes in the use of geometric shapes, color palettes, and symmetry will evoke a greater emotional response in certain kinds of people over others. Before even beginning to toy with designs, take time to perform a thorough examination of your client base. Studying the logos of established competitors will help inform your decision so long as you resist the urge to copy them.

If a logo is successful, you will find there are numerous ways to apply and spread it around. Simple designs are easy to use on t-shirts, hats, and buttons, which serve both the consumer and the business they represent. Your logo should be able to be used for the best ways to serve your consumer base. Screen print t-shirts from places like Absolute Screen Printing can be great for an athletic customer, or perhaps simple pens will work better for your type of client.

Looking to the future, an adaptable logo will be easy to adjust as people and trends change. Television networks, major retailers, and technology firms have proven that logos can adapt to the times without losing the unique qualities that make them recognizable.

Designing a logo is not a simple task, but with careful examination of designs and trends, and a bit of imagination regarding the future, your business can ensure your work will be effective over a greater period of time.