Don't Spend Money On Your Site Before You Start Earning

One of the most common online business models calls for a website to be launched on a shoestring budget where the cost is close to zero.

It is amazing how people continue to ignore successful and popular online business models, when there is so much that can be learnt from them. While creativity is not a bad thing, most folks seem to prefer to re-invent the wheel rather than take the easy path to success of studying what other success stories have done.

One of the most common online business models calls for a website to be launched on a shoestring budget where the cost is close to zero. The spending of the site then increases with its’ success. In most of the cases so far, successful sites have quickly attracted colossal amounts in venture capital funding.

Today there are numerous examples of site owners doing the exact opposite. They start off spending heavily. Predictably when the funds run out, the flashy expensive site fizzles out and goes belly up shortly after.

Advantages Of Starting Out With A Zero BudgetThere are several advantages of starting out your website on a budget that is close to zero. The most obvious is that you get to learn your market well before committing any funds. You actually find the customers to finance your website. In a way this is an advanced method of market research in that if you do not find enough customers to make your website viable, then the business is not viable in the first place.

Legendary entrepreneur, Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company and inventor of the modern assembly line as we know it today was a firm believer that a business should finance itself into existence. If it did not attract enough customers to do this then it had no right to exist in the first place. He was very much against banks heavily financing new businesses. He even used his own business to prove it. The Ford Motor Company was started on a shoestring budget and was heavily financed by its’ rapidly increasing customers.

Whatever you think of Henry Ford and his business ideas, there is no denying the fact that they worked. Ford ended up a billionaire many times over. The really exciting thing to note here is that it is much easier to launch an online business on a shoestring.

Start With A Free Site That Does Not Look Like A Free Site

Most of your expense in an online business will tend to go towards you establishing a website and paying for web hosting services. Naturally you can avoid this expense by going for a free site. The only problem is that most free sites look cheap and unappealing with “free site” written all over them.

However there are a few sites that have such a high standard of design and presentation and have such a high number of templates that they do not look like free sites at all. is one such site.

This site enjoys the following key advantages. Tools are so easy to use that your setup time will be close to zero and you can have a professional looking website up and running within the hour. Secondly many webmasters value the site’s seamless and easy integration with merchant tools such as Paypal as well as the professional business-oriented templates that make it easy to attract the paying clients in the first place.