Thinking of becoming an affiliate marketer? Avoid these mistakes.


Thinking of becoming an affiliate marketer? Avoid these mistakes.

Starting your home business and making a push to become financially independent is one of the main motivations for becoming an affiliate marketer. The barriers to entry are non existent and there are literally thousands of products to sell. With this seemingly wide choice of selection and the even wider opportunity for making money, who wouldn’t consider joining the ranks of the online marketer?

But there are some caveats you should respect if you make the decision and they are not to be ignored.

Due Diligence

The first is to do very serious due diligence on the affiliate you decide to represent. A common mistake is to pick a product on the “buzz” that has been created without digging deeper into who is behind the product launch. Find out everything you can about the person behind the product. Have they delivered in the past? Are they reliable in paying out commissions on time? I make a point of trying to find out from another affiliate marketer if they have had any experience with this person. Just recently, one phone call with just such a person saved me time and money on a “buzzed” product my instincts told me was not all it was cracked up to be.

It’s important to take the time to do your homework and check things out before you make your decision. Your very success depends on it.

Trust and Confidence

The second point is to select only those products you understand, have researched and truly believe in. This means owning the product yourself and trying it out, to see if you are comfortable that it delivers what it is supposed to deliver.

This goes directly to the issues of trust and confidence you are putting in the product and it also addresses the trust your customers are putting in you to give them what they are paying for.


Finally, focus only on those products that have your undivided attention. There are literally thousands of products to choose from in the affiliate marketing space. With each product potentially representing an income stream, the temptation is to sell as many as possible and have as wide a sales funnel as you can get. This is a very unwise move because it gives the appearance of selling and can be a real turn off for your customers.

The better choice is to select one or two products that pay a commission of 50% or better and market them as much as you possible can. This will show that you really believe in what you are selling and raises the chance of creating a good revenue stream.

This approach keeps things clear and focused for your customer base. It makes it easier for them to find what they are looking for and also easier to decided to buy.


These key points are often ignored by many affiliate marketers who pay for it in lost business. They are losing customers they are unaware of and don’t realize the extent of their mistakes.

But their mistakes can be your opportunity for a prosperous and successful business launch.

Make the effort and take the time to implement these key steps and you will be will on you way to success and to fulfilling your goals.

May your travels be prosperous?