Maximize Your Article Marketing By Tracking Your Readers And Conversions

If you use ezines and article directories as your primary distribution points for articles, check your author's section for stats features.


Make your mark on the Internet with article marketing. It's not difficult but it is demanding, however. One of the things I learned when I started using article marketing in my mix of promotional tools was tracking.

If you use ezines and article directories as your primary distribution points for articles, check your author's section for stats features. They will ususally have a built in system for tracking your articles. Pay close attention to the numbers as you begin to increase your volume. If you have less than 10 articles online, this will not mean much to you. When you have a hundred or more, you will begin to see the pattern once you track the articles that have the most readers.

Many article directories have the features that allow you to examine your stats. Pay close attention to the following areas in your articles statistics:

How many times your articles have been viewed
Look for articles that have been viewed the most and compare it to its age. Is the article with the longest submission date also article with the most readers? This is not always the case. Some articles just stand out and grab you. if you seem to have your most recent articles showing up with the most readers, it might mean that you have gotten better over time.

Which articles have been clicked the most
Examine the articles that have gotten the most responses from your readers. If they are getting the most clicks over to your website, compare them to the ones that get the least clicks to your site. What is the difference and how can you get otherwise good articles to support your objectives?

What particular articles get the most comments?
Which articles are getting the most comments from readers? Are they good comments or crazy ones? Are the readers leaving quality comments and are you delivering quality responses to them?

Which article has the most reader’s votes?
If your article website has the option for voting on articles, check to see if you have any votes. This is important because you can promote good articles heavily on your blog, your website and elsewhere. The four or five star rating means a seal of approval has been given to your work.

Link your articles to unique squeeze pages
The best traffic methods I've found are the ones that give you access to thorough tracking. You will need to have a two-way conversation with your readers and prospects. Set up an auto-responder opt-in or subscription form on your blog, website or sales page. Keep your focus on your niche and promote your articles in your blog, your forums and your networking sites.

Ensure that the opt-in form is keyed to your articles only. You'll want to tack your incoming subscribers and prospects from your articles separately from pay per click other forms of advertising.

So when use article marketing as your means of driving traffic to your website, be sure to stay consistent in article production, keep your tracking methods simple and traceable but above all, check your stats often at each site you use for article distribution.