What is Public Relations and How It Can Help You

Public relations (PR) is how companies and organizations create or maintain good relations with the public by using various communications tools and channels.

Traditionally, PR officers would work together with people from the news media to publicise good stories about the company and its products or services, creating a favourable public image. However, PR today cover a much wider scope.

These days, aside from the traditional news media, other media channels such as mobile news and social networking websites should also be recipients of a PR message. And not only should the messages be delivered, but the responses should be monitored as well, to help the PR office and their client gauge the public’s perception of the company being promoted by the PR firm. Lastly, PR is also tasked to build goodwill between the company and the public through activities and events such as seminars, giveaways, and sponsorships.

Companies with good PR stand out from those that have bad images. A company that is known to be a major environment polluter might lose customers and investors, but a company that is known for promoting recycling and a healthier environmental practices will receive support for its efforts.

What can PR do for you? Good PR will give several advantages to your company, whatever your company’s size may be:

First, good public relations is a very effective form of company promotion. One of the most important aspects of PR is it uses a third party – the media – to create a good image for the company. The public views the media as a generally unbiased source of information, so when a newspaper journalist reports on the goodwill efforts of your company, it has a much bigger impact on your company’s image than when you take out a full-page advertisement of your own to highlight these goodwill efforts.

Second, good public relations builds brand awareness. As your PR campaign gains more attention from media channels, your company and its products and services are given more exposure time. More details concerning them are disseminated, as a good story should be backed up by as much information as possible.

Third, good public relations can give you free media mileage and even viral publicity. A PR story that is showcased in certain media channels can be picked up by additional media and social networks, spreading your story even further, without additional costs to you! For example, a story of your company that is posted by a user on his or her Facebook wall may be shared repeatedly.

Lastly, public relations can be used effectively even at a low cost. For instance, sponsoring a clean-up drive at a local shoreline can be a much cheaper exercise than producing and airing a television commercial. If the clean-up drive is a huge success, it will not only reach the television through news programs, but it will also penetrate newspapers, social media websites, radio programs, and many more.

Public relations is an effective way to promote your company, whatever your business may be. Whether you are involved in health, food services, luxury products, or hair and beauty, PR can help you find more investors, gain better job applicants, and grow your customer base.