How Do SEO and PPC Work Together?

The internet today is a place full of opportunity. Now, more than ever before, by implementing the correct marketing techniques, companies and websites can drive a lot of traffic. This can then result in an increased profit, which is why SEO and PPC techniques are very popular internet marketing strategies. Many people though, would argue that one is better than the other, or vice versa. However, the truth is that when both these techniques are used in conjunction with one another, the results are more effective.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is the practice through which a website can be ranked higher in search engine results listing pages (SERP). It is proven knowledge that the higher up on these pages a website is placed, the more people will click on their link, thereby increasing traffic dramatically. One of the ways in which an SEO service is performed on a website is through editing web pages and websites to make it easier for the search engines to analyse its index. Also, blog posts and articles are used to provide links to your website, which also results in higher rankings.

While SEO practice has been proven to be effective on its own, using PPC advertising alongside it is even more so. PPC management can be done by individuals, one firm or several, so it's important to share certain insights to prevent missed opportunities. With good PPC management, your Ad words campaign should in many ways mirror the SEO campaign structure, with similar subcategories and site structure. Your keyword strategy is also important, as broad terms tend to be very competitive, and therefore very costly. This is another important point to consider, as you'll want to have a decent enough budget to get the kind of results you want. Less competitive terms will usually be long tailed, but actually drive more qualified traffic.

The secret is to know exactly when to use competitive or non-competitive keywords, and to modify and control landing pages quickly. It is also good practice to perform search query data analysis, for this will reveal certain terms that seem to getting a lot of paid traffic but that actually don't perform well in terms of organic searches. These keywords can then become an opportunity, and your SEO content can be based around this, thereby increasing traffic without cranking up your PPC budget.

While SEO and PPC work very well when placed together, many companies now offer another service too – social media marketing. When it comes to social media marketing potential can often be overlooked, but platforms like Twitter and Facebook are both great SEO boosters and can provide lots of opportunities to build links. It's also a brilliant way to start communicating with the people who are likely to be interested in your service or product, and an ideal way to create a brand identity and get feedback. What's more, you can also try out certain search terms on Twitter by using specific phrases when you tweet, then simply monitor the activity you get by using it.