Why You Should Still Be Using Personalized Marketing To Boost Your Brand

It's not really so easy to attach with customers and prospects on a personal level! Hope you are the individual who is still searching for this.

No worries! Here is the great news for you. If you understand what data and techniques to use, it is effortless to build a human connection. One of the best strategies to make a personal relationship is personalized marketing.


What is personalized marketing?

Personalized marketing is the type of marketing strategy, which uses demographic and behavioral information. With that information, an individual message is created for current or future customers.


The point of personalized marketing is to understand your customers more. So you can provide them with a higher level of service. Ideally, your efforts will be noticed by your clients and they will reward you by continuing to do business with you and recommending others to do the same.


In personalized marketing, you get to know your customers. Then you will use what you learn to make every experience better, more relevant, and more personal.


Major categories of personalization

Here are the three major categories of personalization for personalized marketing.

  • Behavioral personalization
  • Contextual personalization
  • Demographic personalization


Behavioral personalization

It analyzes customer interactions to determine their unique behaviors, preferences, and propensities. The results are used to dynamically present customers with relevant offers and products in real-time—whether they’re on your website, mobile app, or receiving email communications.


For example, if a visitor adds multiple items to their cart and then leaves the site without making a purchase, the visitor is assumed to be showing the propensity to purchase. The algorithms take many factors into account when analyzing the data to provide you with the best recommendations.


Contextual personalization

It refers to delivering the right experience, tailored to each customer. With Contextual personalization, you will tend to know where your customers are in their journey. When using personalized recommendations you gain a better understanding of your customer’s interests and needs and what they’re seeking at different points in the customer journey. This allows you to make better recommendations to them.


Demographic personalization

It provides information that helps you understand the characteristics of users who visit your website and engage with its content. Demographics will show you the age and gender of your users, which can be helpful when trying to better understand who is visiting your site. You can also use it as a way to tailor content to particular audiences.


Benefits of personalized marketing

Receiving relevant information is an important part of being a valued customer. They can easily unsubscribe and block you at the next for next time. Delivering personalized content and relevant product recommendations to your customers is a great way to encourage them to purchase again.


If you crave greater customer loyalty, then you need a strong personalization strategy — one that enables you to deliver the right message, in the right tone, at exactly the right time. Companies that personalize their marketing techniques will retain clients more successfully. And since statistics show that repeat customers spend more per transaction than new customers, it's important to keep your company on their radar.


Here are the top benefits of personalized marketing.


Buyers Like Personalized Messages

Most buyers are ready to share personal data for a more comfortable or affordable brand experience. Buyers are loved to do business with an organization that offers personalized experiences, as they say, they find personalization appealing.


Buyers love to treat the brand as an individual and react to their pain points. Here comes personalization marketing. Customers are more likely to trust a company that engages with them on a more personal level, than those that only send non-personalized communications. It’s important to make your customers feel valued so creating tailored marketing campaigns, discount codes, and personalized follow-up emails when they make purchases is ideal.


Better Understanding about Customers

Knowing your customers allows you to create more personalized content that resonates with them, increasing their connection to your brand. The first step in creating is a persona—a profile of who your customer could be and what they care about.


Your business can greatly benefit from knowing your customers on a deeper level and creating personas. For example, if you're marketing a product geared towards new moms and dads you wouldn't want to be too technical in your headlines and copy. Instead, being conversational and understanding their needs would be beneficial. The shorter copy could focus on the benefits the product offers.


People expect more than just helpful product reviews or recommendations. Engagement with features like flash sales, product insights, and add-to-cart offers is on the rise. Start tracking the right metrics to evolve your personalization program and increase engagement.


Improve ROI of Marketing Efforts

Digital marketing has many components, and one of the most important is the return on investment (ROI). ROI is one of the major segments of digital marketing. ROI stands for Return on Investment. Any activity, which you have performed in your business to maximize your earnings, can be treated as an investment.


Return on investment (ROI) is a common metric used to evaluate the financial viability of an investment or to compare efficiency between different investments. The definition of ROI can vary depending on what you are measuring, and although there are many ways of calculating it in digital marketing, here I will be referring to the number of conversions divided by the money spent on digital marketing.


Personalizing your marketing is a simple way to enhance your overall marketing ROI by delivering what your user actually needs. It allows you to deliver what the user needs instead of what everyone else is getting.


Boost Customer Engagement

Personalized marketing helps you nurture engagement and transform one-time shoppers into long-term customers. Personalized marketing is the practice of using a contact's attributes and behavior to tailor content to them, creating a better customer experience.


Personalized marketing is ideal for companies looking to deepen customer relationships and understand their interests. In fact, customers are 4 times more likely to buy when marketers use their first name, and 3 times more likely to open when personalized with items of relevance to their interests.


Customers crave individuality—give it to them. Personalized marketing helps you get there by serving up offers that your customers want when they want them, where they want them. With personalized content, you’re able to capture and hold your audience’s attention long enough to create an emotional connection that is essential to establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


When you create personalized marketing emails, your most interested customers are more likely to open, click through and purchase. And with a 35% higher open rate, it's clear that personalized emails get better results than batch and blast.


Improve Customer Retention

As you gain new customers, make sure you don’t lose sight of your old customers. Keeping them engaged can increase the likelihood of returning visits or using you again in the future.


Some of the best ways to retain customers are by providing great experiences and relevant offers, whether that be through email marketing, free trials, etc. Excluding this, personalization marketing is a great idea to retain your old customers.


A personalized experience keeps your customers coming back. By creating numerous personal touchpoints throughout each stage of the customer journey, it helps you build relationships that last.


Improve Email Open Rates

According to research, email can help you reach 91% of your customers. Increased engagement and cost-effectiveness are just two reasons why you should use email.


Personalization is the key to helping you succeed in marketing. Personalization comes in many forms, such as simply addressing your recipients by name. You can even take this a step further by personalizing your email content and subject lines based on the recipient’s location or interests. By using personalized marketing techniques, you can easily raise your email open rates.


Personalized marketing can be a game-changer for your business by allowing you to connect with customers on a more personal level. Most important, it leads to better results. Personalized emails can dramatically increase open and click-through rates.


When your email subject lines are personalized, you can increase your email open rates by as much as 26%. It is good to reach a digital marketing service for small business, medium and large businesses.


Examples of Personalized Marketing Campaigns

Nowadays, the average customer is expecting personalization in every campaign your brand runs. In fact, some studies indicate that 75% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a website if it offers them personalized content.

Here are some examples of personalization campaigns.


Custom Video Messages

Attract and engage more customers with video. Customers who watch your video are up to 144% more likely to add products to their basket. Custom videos make your customers more likely to buy. Use video to show off your products and services in a way that engages customers, increases trust, and drives sales.

Good tools are the key to great video! The traditional way to make videos — with a camera, computer, and your own two hands — is no longer essential. You need the right tools to make great videos.


Product Recommendations

Product Recommendations are good tactics for personalization marketing. Product Recommendations campaign utilizes data group to decide what kind of product, service, or offer a user is most likely curious in and tailor’s suggestions accordingly.


Product Recommendations use behavioral data, along with internal and external audience data, to deliver personalized recommendations.


Targeted Emails

Personalization is a powerful tool for email marketers. It’s rated highly effective by many marketers and is among the most popular ways to deliver relevant content to customers, which can lead to higher conversion rates and more sales. Most marketers are now applying personalization to their email campaigns.


A company that specializes in email marketing conducted a study to see how much of an impact personalization had on open rates. The results showed that when an email’s subject line included the recipient’s first and last name, open rates increased by 26%.


Social Media Marketing

In our digital world, social media marketing is one of the best ways to reach your target audience. Social media marketing has become increasingly popular, as people love connecting on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. The benefit of social media is that it allows you to connect with your audience at any time. You need to be active in posting content to keep your customers interested.


Social media marketing is a process of increasing traffic to your website and conversion into leads. Creating engaging content is key. Social media allows your business to humanize its brand and connect with customers on a personal level.


Tips to Make a Successful Personalized Marketing Strategy

Here is the way to make your business successful with the personalization marketing strategy.



Comparing and analyzing the first step. Use the personalization content engine. If you are already in the personalization process, make sure to compare your current solution against any other that claims to deliver better value.



This is quite an easy process. The only requirement is, you just need to use a few pieces of code on your webpage. Once the code is added to your website, all becomes easy. It is easy for you to track how you gain users, where they are interested, what they are doing on your website, and more.



Data capture, making analytical abilities, and growing suitable websites are all worthwhile to an organization. Also, they are valuable and synced with one another. After a few weeks, your personalization key should deliver appropriate content suggestions to your customers. At this period, you should conduct an A/B test to check the performance of your system vs. control.



Collecting and analyzing your data will make the right marketing decision. But, to do so, you must let the machine do the heavy lifting. Try to avoid unnecessary calculation methods and make only the necessary calculation methods.