Facebook Post Ideas To Engage Your Audience

Facebook pioneered the social network websites. Moreover, Facebook was the first to get onboard with the concept of social media marketing. However, these days it is often seen that brands are struggling to gain engagements on Facebook. Still, the popularity of Facebook hasn’t reduced. There are still quite a number of people using Facebook and the company aspires to add more users. So, if you want to engage your audience on the most used social media platform, here are some Facebook post ideas to boost engagement.

Engaging Facebook Posts Ideas

To make the perfect Facebook post, you need to have a post that stands out, encourages engagements, and finally reaches a lot of people. Moreover, you need to ensure that your Facebook post has the caption. The following ideas will help you create interactive Facebook post ideas.

1. Look at Your Most Interactive Posts from The Past

There must be some of your posts that have generated interest. So, if you are struggling with your latest posts, you need to have a look at what type of post was most appreciated by your audience. Taking cues from the past posts, you can strategize your Facebook post ideas.


2. Join in The Trends

Each day there are a lot of trends taking over social media. Analysing and understanding these trends will help you make interactive Facebook posts that are tending. However, you need to make sure that you use the trending topics to your advantage and not post something that doesn’t go with your brand.


3. Tell a Tale

People often love to hear about how and what business you are doing, So, you can post images as well as videos on your Facebook that represent a backdrop story about your brand. You can make it educational as well as add a bit of humour to engage your audience.


4. Live Sessions

Sometimes it is best to go live with your audience. The live session can be related to answering questions or just interacting with your Facebook followers. When you start live streaming, your audience may get a sense of connection with your brand and help you with more engaging content.


5. The Meme Brigade

Memes on social media always have the tendency to generate interaction. You can look for memes anywhere on the internet and post the ones that are relevant to your brand. You can also make fun of yourself or your brand which inevitably creates humor and adds a touch of fun to your regular Facebook post.


6. Post Reviews

Posting detailed reviews about your product or services can engage the audience. Moreover, you can tie up with social media influencers or digital content creators to help you with the review. The ability to view every detail on a product or service will help the audience engage with your brand.


7. Q&A Sessions

Once in a while have a Question and Answer session with your audience. You can ask them for what content they prefer viewing or if they want to ask questions regarding your products or services. Have more interactive sessions than mere Yes and No type answers. Encourage them to start a conversation.


8. Post Customer Testimonials

When your customers speak highly of you, other audiences like to interact with these types of posts. More than half of people get a sense of trust when they see posts involving customer testimonials. You can request your customers to post written or video testimonials. There is nothing like a video testimonial and when such a post is published, you can expect a lot of audience interactions.


9. Create Online Events

One of the best ways to increase customer engagement is by creating online events. These events can include new product launches or simply an online showcase video. You can also couple your event with a live steam. Notifying your audience about an upcoming live session can increase the number of viewers.


10. Run a Contest or a Giveaway

Running a contest or a giveaway can instantly increase interaction on your Facebook post. You can ask a couple of questions to your audience and the ones that give the right answers are chosen as winners. You can also create a simple contest asking people to like, follow, and comment on your Facebook posts. Similarly, you can ask the audience to share your posts on their social media profile to gain a wider reach.

With the help of these ideas, you can ensure that your Facebook posts will start generating interactions.