There’s no Better Marketing Channel for Generating Buzz than Social Media

Writing a good bid, sending impressive proposals and even settling for the lowest paying jobs, is not a guarantee that you will get a freelance writing job. Yet research shows that in 2017, “the number of OIPs [Online Income Positions] is equivalent to nearly 13.5 percent of the US civilian employment. This is in addition to the approximate 3 million traditional jobs contributed by the internet sector.”

A survey of freelancers in 2016, showed that over 50% expected their income to increase in the coming year. What this means is that even though your freelancing attempts have not yielded expected results, there are freelancers who are making a good living and getting more of the same type of jobs you are bidding for.  

A 2017 survey shows that by 2027, freelancers will make up to 50% of the workforce in the United States, and with the displacement that the global pandemic has caused, more people are bound to look for freelance writing jobs. 

So how do you get clients' attention and start making the income of your dreams?


Here’s what worked for me.

The key to getting more clients is to be visible. And this goes beyond creating profiles on the best freelancing sites or LinkedIn. Clients have to find you, see that you can do what you say you can do, or hear about you from someone else. I struggled for a while to get the proper attention, but these tips I’m about to share helped me to move from where I was to where I needed to be. They will help you, too, without a doubt.

1. Submit work elsewhere, and let the clients find you.

Every serious freelancer should have a blog or a medium through which they are constantly sharing their skills – this can even be on Facebook. Find a topic you’re passionate about and write about it regularly. As you do this often, several things will happen:

  • You will have honed your writing skills.
  • People will recognize you for your writing skills. 
  • You will have had opportunities to experience the demands of content writing, digital marketing, and SEO trends – so you can easily deliver when the job opportunities come.  
  • Opportunities will present themselves for someone looking for a writer in that field (or something similar) to notice you.

2. Contact people who have responded to your bids in the past and tell them you’re available for work.

If you have been fortunate enough to get a response on a bid, albeit a negative one, you might be in luck. Give it some time, maybe a few months, and shoot the person a mail. Explain that you are still available for work and attach one or two samples of your latest creation. What this does, is that it:

  • Shows you as a serious, professional individual. 
  • Reminds the client why they liked you enough to respond to your bid in the first place.
  • Incites them to consider what available jobs there are for you to do – if it comes, take it, no matter how small.   

3. Beef up your LinkedIn profile.

The rumors are true; people get good jobs from LinkedIn. Most employers or recruitment agencies look for the best people on LinkedIn and often go there to verify applications. I have been contacted for jobs through LinkedIn because someone was looking for a writer and was impressed by my profile. So, create a LinkedIn profile (if you don’t have one) and do the following:

  • State your qualifications and degrees.
  • List your relevant skills; a project management skill, for instance, is relevant.
  • Sign up to relevant groups; this shows you are committed to the industry and industry standards.
  • Follow and request followership from freelance writers; this will help with networking (more of this below).
  • Reach out to an accomplished writer for mentorship. Mentors can teach you trade secrets and share tools that can help to boost your productivity
  • Share some of your work on LinkedIn. This is a perfect way for clients to know your potential first-hand.

4. Get your clients to write you a review.

Doing good work and being courteous are key characteristics of a freelancing career. Upon completion of a commission, ask your client to write you a review kindly. Reviews are important for boosting your credibility, as potential clients will likely trust you when they see that others have vouched for you. In your review request to your client, ask for specific details such as:

  • How well and quickly you were able to deliver the project – future clients want to know that you are capable of speedy delivery. 
  • Your research and analytical skills.
  • Your response time – clients want to work with people who respond to emails and queries on time. 
  • Your ability to work effectively as a team player – if you join a team of writers, your future client will be happy to know that you will be a cohesive addition to the group.

5. Network with other freelancers

Writers often recommend each other. I have found that to be true and have been lucky to get recommended by writer friends. So I’ll say it again, being courteous and respectful is extremely important in freelancing. Even if you have to sever a relationship with someone, do it respectfully; you never know if that person will be in a position to recommend you for a job. 

Use your network well. Don’t be ashamed to say so when you’re available for a job, even if that means collaborating and taking a small fee. Here is a list of other things you can do with and for your network:

  • Write them a review on LinkedIn, praise their skills, and show yourself to be a team player.
  • Check on them occasionally, and genuinely inquire about their welfare.
  • Send them a note to thank them for being in your network; festive periods and birthdays are a great opportunity to do this.
  • Offer to help out when they are overwhelmed with work – this is a chance for you to show what you can do and a small reminder that you can be recommended for bigger jobs. 



Freelancing (no matter what industry you are in) is about showing yourself to be capable and approachable. Capability accounts for merit, while approachability accounts for soft skills that show you are easy to do business with. Don’t give up; freelancing is a work in progress. Be patient and carefully strategize with the tips I’ve shared above; you’re bound to get results.