How To Advertise In ANY Ezine More Effectively Using This Amazingly Simple System

Some say that ezine advertising is not as effective today as It was 4 or 5 years ago. Although to a certain extent this is true, ezine advertising still gives you the best bang for your buck for the small investment needed. I would go as far as to say that ezine advertising is the first form of advertising I would do for ANY product you own, or are affiliated with...

The real key to successful ezine advertising is using what I call the two step marketing approach. Let me explain what I mean in a little more detail..

Everyday I get solo advertisements in my Inbox through mailings from ezines I personally subscribe to. I'm sure this is nthe same for you..

Advertisers give me all the benefitsnof their product or service, and then a call to action to visit their web site for more information and hopefully a sale..

This is * NOT * the best way to advertise in ezines or newsletters. If you use this method you are only getting a one shot chance of making a sale from ther visiting prospects. Wouldn't it be better to be able to get 5, 6 7......Unlimited opportunities to get their business for exactly the same cost ?

Of course it would..

Here is where the two step marketing approach comes into play. Instead of advertising a web site address for prospects to visit, you simply advertise a Fr-ee report or ecourse by email. Instead of the web site address, you simply put an email link to an Autoresponder that you have set up containg the Fr-ee report/ecourse. You then simply drip feed the fr-ee report or ecourse to the prospects over a period of a few weeks in 5, 6, 7 or more seperate emails..

It's not at all hard to do and I encourage you to have a real go at producing your own. More on that later...

There are several advantages in using this two step approach.

The first one is that when the prospect reads your solo or classified advertisement It doesn't require them to quit what they are doing, to get more information. They simply click on the email link in your solo or classified ad to request the fr-ee report/ecourse by sending a blank email to the email address provided..

They then can happily go about what they were already doing and read the fre-e report/ecourse at their leaisure later. The second advantage is that now you have the prospects email address to follow up on them 5, 6, 7....unlimited times..

Following up on your prospects in this way with an Autoresponder series of useful information AND sales pieces can make a huge difference to the success of any solo or classified ad..

For instance. Say you normally close 2% of qualified prospects that visit your web site and read your salesletter. You get 100 visitors and you generate 2 sales. Using the simple system I have explained above can easily double or even treble your sales This is how powerful this system really is..

You also get the advantage of still being able to offer other products and services to this group of prospects..

Try it yourself next time you run a solo or classified a*d. You will be pleasantly suprised with the results..

Yours In Success