Good website content is a gift to world

We live in a world society, which tends to focus on the negative.
Positive up-lifting events receive a small percentage of the media's resources. Proof of this is contained within headlines we see in the papers, hear on TV, and read on websites daily. These headlines grab our attention, and enter disturbing information into our reality.

Relief the event did not directly affect us, may be the only silver lining.

We become painfully aware, and eventually numb to events of human suffering, which we have no control over. We also stand around the water cooler at work and discuss them further.

We need a law to protect us from all this negative information.
Isn't this the idea behind rating movies PG or X?  Don't parents monitor their children on the Internet, to make sure they don't fall victim to questionable materials.

We have all heard the saying; "One bad apple can ruin the whole bunch." This is also true about your thoughts. Do not think of a spoiled apple touching a perfect apple in a barrel right now.

You see how the mind works? Your mind already put it together.
You remembered a time when you saw a whole group of spoiled apples and just knew one bad one started the whole mess.

Here is some good news!  There is a universal law, which can protect you from unnecessary suffering. Google search the "Law of Attraction" and you will find more than the paragraph below I am quoting from.

"Lightning victim killed by the very thing he had feared", read the newspaper headline, illustrating a universal law. It is the Law of Attraction, which simply states that like attracts like.

Like attracts like. What you think about multiplies. After using search engines online, it is clear to see this is 100% true. Whatever you type in the search, is displayed in your computer screen. You can change the keyword you use, but that keyword is already processed and stored by you brain first.

By the time it flashes in front of your eyes it is too late. It is either good content or not. This is why adult porn site pop-ups can be rather annoying. Better NOT to go there, as visiting them includes you in future like events.

This law of attraction presumes positive thinking will attract like positive thinking. Thinking about running off of the road does not make you safer, as you may tense up and perform less than 100%. Telling a concerned friend "don't worry", continues the unhappy feeling of despair. All their brain hears is "worry". When your mind goes there it hurts your chance for success.

Here's a little secret I will share with you if you promise to tell everyone about it. Since humans are rebellious in nature, and the mind "hears" everything, calm down a troubled soul by saying this: "don't relax" The mind hears "relax" instead of the other word, and since you said not to, they will.

This is why NO SMOKING signs make you want to light up, even if you don't smoke. You are not sold on this concept yet? Do not think of a pink elephant dancing right now. Is your mind a blank or is there a pink elephant dancing? Focus on the road to arrive at the desired destination. Don't Relax.

So what's all this got to do with web hosting anyway? Content is King. Ever read a book you could not put down? Have you ever spent hours doing something you enjoy, when it seemed like just minutes passed? The answer is Content. Content. Content. Content is King.

So make sure your website is easy to navigate, and that the content makes it irresistibly inviting.

The law of attraction states perfectly that what we think about and focus on is what we bring into our lives. Visualize achieving your goals, and on performing daily duties, until you reach the final destination desired. Use clear concise content. Like attracts like.
Good content will result in good traffic that visits for a while. Relax, take your coat off, and stay a while...