The Value of UX for an eCommerce Website.

Ever tried designing a website before?

If you have, you know how hard it is. And you’ll know how much the fundamentals matter.

One of those is UX – an abbreviation for “user experience.”

What is User Experience? 

It’s when you design a website with the end user in-mind.

This might seem like a no-brainer. But unfortunately, it’s one that many website owners tend to neglect.

How So?

You see, many website owners are stubborn with the designs they want.

They have a specific vision of how their website should look. And in the process, they neglect the end user’s point of view.

If you have that problem, you need to fix it. Because this stubbornness is dangerous to your business.

It’ll lead to a loss of much traffic. In fact, with a bad UX design, expect your conversion rates to fall rapidly.

How to Design a Site for User Experience…

There’s no industry standard on what makes excellent UX. But, there are some simple rules to keep in mind.

For example…

Ease of Use.

You don’t want your users to get lost on your website.

You want a website that’s easy to navigate. Search tools and menus should be available directly to consumers.

In other words, proper UX equals getting to the point.

No consumer wants to spend minutes lost just to find a page. Expect many to visit your competitors if that happens.

So your website has to be easy and simple to use.

Good Aesthetics.

A website that’s ugly scares users. Make sure this is never an issue with your site.

Your website has to use a good amount of imagery and color combinations. It has to be pleasing to an end user’s eyes.

Good aesthetics make moving through your site a pleasurable experience. And it arouses curiosity in a consumer.

Less Text.

A complement to the previous point.

Less text is more imagery and aesthetics. Because few people have the concentration to read through large pieces of content.

This is just a fact related to modern internet use.

Most people want less to read, and more to stare at. And this is what makes quality UX.

Your Website’s Mood.

Your website shouldn’t look depressing.

It should inspire a good mood in whoever visits it. And that will encourage more and more visits in the future.

Positive emotion is also necessary to influence sales. Because if your clients are depressed, will they want to buy?

Absolutely not.

Customer Support.

You need to structure a clear way for consumers to contact you.

Because you’re bound to get a complaint of some type on your services. And sometimes, you’ll get questions on service use.

So you need a clear channel to communicate with clients.

You also need an easy to see FAQ section, answering common inquiries. It saves your clients much time, and is necessary to good UX.

That’s a Lot to Consider.

Of course it is. Website design is a complex domain. And there are many things to consider when setting up a site.

In fact, you won’t setup a site once and for all.

You’ll setup a site once. And then you must go through a constant editing process to improve it.

And that’s something only an eCommerce development company can do.

Fortunately, we have a recommendation for you below. It’ll save you time searching for ecommerce web development companies!