How Important Is Mobile Marketing?

As a business, you have ticked all the boxes – a great website, social media pages that you update regularly, and an ecommerce store that works flawlessly. You are all set, right?

Maybe not. 

You have no doubt optimized your site for mobile, but how much of your marketing budget have you allocated to mobile marketing? Is it even important to look into your mobile marketing options at all?  

Let’s check the stats. Back in 2016, 62.9% of the global population had a mobile phone. That’s not just the percentage in the first world countries but in developing countries as well. This figure is expected to reach 67% by the end of 2019. 

That is 4.78 billion mobile phone users in 2019, with 2.7 billion of those using smartphones. Are you rethinking the importance of that mobile marketing campaign now? If you need a little more encouragement, go through the infographic from App Geeks

It covers even more interesting statistics and gives examples of how bigger brands have been approaching this form of marketing. Even more importantly, though, it shows you the success that they had with these campaigns.

What types of campaigns could you run? Here is a basic breakdown of  some of the different possibilities; see what would suit your market best: 

  • SMS: Great for short campaigns and sales.
  • App-based: Excellent for short-term results and more subtle strategies as well.
  • Push notifications: Can help to convince shoppers to take action.
  • Email: Suitable format to help you explain more about your offer.
  • In-game: These are the ads that pop up when people are playing games.
  • QR Code: This can be a useful way to save your client's time. She just has to scan the code, which will take her directly through to the offer.

The infographic below will give you even more ideas. Place more focus on mobile marketing and start to see the results for yourself.