Cracking the SEO Mystique

We all are aware of the term Search engine optimization. Search Engine Optimization is really not a hard task.

We all are aware of the term Search engine optimization. Search Engine Optimization is really not a hard task. Maximum people know the tips and techniques that used to work years ago are no longer effective now.

Initially when the search engine optimization began it was enough to stuff your preferred keywords hundreds of times in your metatags and page copy to rank high with the search engines. But these strategies are useless now, these don’t work anymore. Search engines now penalize sites that do things like that. We are all aware of Jagger and Googles Updates. Now all these strategies and techniques seems to be useless now.

To achieve the high rankings in the Search Engine the best approach is the considerable amount of inbound links from quality pages related to our site's topic, with your keywords in the anchor text.

Link Exchanges and reciprocal links are slowly becoming a thing of the past as this technique has been used and abused in a great manner. And so Search Engines have increased their capabilities to detect the various spamming techniques used by the various web master and the SEO companies. Now it is found as an evidence that search engines give more weight to one way links. The one way links means the links pointing to our sites.

The recent support of the 'no-follow' tag in blog comments by the major search engines has closed yet another loophole: webmasters that used to plant links in blog comment fields (practice known as blog comment spam) now find that those links are not followed or counted by the search engines.

Other way search engines are penalizing aberrant or scheming linking patterns is by checking the Class C IP Address of the page where the link originates. This implies that search engines give more value to links from pages hosted in a different server. If you have a network of sites linked to each other, and they're all hosted with the same company, the search engines will get a hint that the pages are somehow related and will discount the value of those links.

Search engines are also becoming good at detecting the speed at which a site acquires links. If you just launched a site and it suddenly shows a large amount of high page rank pages pointing to it, the search engines will assume that you are relying heavily on link buying or link renting, and will not give your page full credit for those links.

These were the few tips that underscore how dangerous it is to rely on outdated information when it comes to search engine optimization. Whether you engage in SEO for business or just as a hobby, it is always a good idea to visit search engine forums and blogs regularly, or to subscribe to a few good SEO ezines or newsfeeds, so that you are always up to date