Search Engine Optimization Services - Then and Now

Search Engine Optimization Services - Then and Now


Search engine optimization has come a long way. The earlier days of SEO were more of a hit and miss thing, but they did not really matter, as the search engines themselves were not too fine tuned. The only way of rating search engine result pages was by the use of tags for the articles and the photographs used on the web pages. However, search engines of today are virtually geniuses. There is hardly any scope for a website to fool a search engine over a period of time, unlike the earlier days where anyone who knew the workings of the internet could gain easy access to top ratings.

Though not known by the same name,  search engine optimization services have been around for a long period of time now, and ever since search engines started forming a major chunk of the hits to a site, search engine promotion has become a major part of the SEO process. As time went on, there were a few major changes in the way search engine marketing services were perceived by the customers, and the good SEO consultants began to make a bomb of money, by optimizing their clients' websites to the best possible extent. With that, the budget of search engine optimization services became more than the actual cost of running the website itself!

Then started the days of affordable SEO. Today, though the term cheap SEO is in use, it is actually affordable SEO that you want to get involved with. No one wants a cheap SEO consultant, who is not accountable!

Affordable SEO services are the need of the hour, and there are quite a few that have risen to the occasion and are ensuring that the truly deserving websites are the ones that are being rated on top. Actually, even today there are a few consultants that try out unethical and immoral practices of optimization, but the search engines of today are intelligent enough to weed out the results of those kinds of websites. Affordable SEO is based on the art of understanding exactly the requirements of the web master, and then making a campaign with the maximum possible number of optimization channels in use.

Search engine optimization services of today use more than tags to optimize the presence of the website on search engine result pages (SERPs). Though tags are still a part of the process, just putting in tags do not ensure a prominent presence any more. Today, the ruling factor is page rank, which is determined by the number of links leading to the site, the number of keywords in each of the web pages' content, and the ranks of sites that link to this one. This complex algorithm ensures that search results are bang on target, and, as any search user would testify, most of the search terms lead us straight to the website we are looking for. In fact, Google is so confident about the process that there is even a button called 'Are you feeling lucky'!
We're waiting eagerly for the future!