Free Search Engine Optimisation Toolbar from SEO Junkies

Search Engine Optimisation, SEO Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Optimisation Specialists, SEO Specialists

Optimising your website for search engines can be an arduous task, but SEO Junkies have created a SEO toolbar to make your life much easier and take that pain away. This SEO toolbar  can be downloaded for free and tells you how search engines like Google view your website which will ultimately help you to improve your page rankings once you make the necessary changes

The SEO toolbar will show you on-page features on each and every webpage you wish to view, these features include removing all of the images, styles, objects and forms so that you can see purely the content on the webpage, which is what Google will really be looking at. Content drives search engine optimisation and is how SE’s know what topic your website is about and the services you provide so it’s extremely important to analyse your content thoroughly to get the most out of it. Using the SEO toolbar, you can also highlight the headers within the content, links (both internal and external) and show links with nofollow tags which help to see where the website host doesn’t want the search engine to go. It gives a very detailed picture of the current state of a webpage and you can therefore use this data to see changes that need to be made to the website in order to optimise it fully. The SEO toolbar also contains quick links to see the source code, meta tags and to go straight to W3C validation result for that page.

The main benefit of this SEO tool is the speed and ease there is to see the data, and the factors being shown to you are important, we use this SEO toolbar ourselves when analysing our client websites. There are no forms to fill out, simply go to SEO Junkies  and click download and it will be working on your browser within minutes.

SEO Junkies specialise in optimising websites to improve rankings in the natural listings on search engines, we can optimise a website of any size to achieve the page rankings you desire, however big or small we will have a project to suit you.  Don’t take our word for it; look at some of our client’s proven SEO results.

If you are unsure of any of the terms we’ve discussed then please visit our website for more information, or perhaps consider one of our SEO courses  to become an SEO expert yourself.