3 Quick Twitter Autoresponse Tips to Maximize Your Twitter Autoresponse Connections

Be Remembered by Your Followers

witter is all about short, to the point, quick messages that add value to its users, and autoresponses are no exception.

Whether or not you choose to use an autoresponse will depend on what you believe about Twitter etiquette. There are at least two distinct groups – those who like the idea of using autoresponses to save time and those who think responses should be sent in realtime. Each side has valid points. Do your own research and decide what’s best for you. However, if you plan to use an autoresponse, here is a list of 3 quick tips to make your responses get noticed.

Before you dig in and apply anything, though, take a step back and put yourself in your followers’ shoes. Remember, your ultimate goal with any web 2.0 or social media site such as Twitter is to build genuine rapport with people and create a dynamic relationship. So think for a second: What kind of welcome messages would you like to receive?

Anybody can slap together an autoresponse because it’s a easy task. But not everyone will care enough to take the time and effort necessary to craft a reply that is personal, creative, and memorable. This is where you can shine. The right autoresponse will pay you huge dividends and all it will cost you is a little extra time to:

Connect Emotionally
Autoresponses are small snippets of text, like your tweets, that serve as your first introduction to your followers. Within that limited span of characters, you must connect emotionally with people for them to even remember you. If your followers don’t remember you, they won’t pay attention to your tweets (no matter how valuable the messages are).

This isn’t complicated. People love it when they hear someone else talk positively about them. What have you heard someone say lately about you that affected you positively? How did you feel? Provide that same feeling for someone else!

Be Creative
One way you can connect emotionally and stand out from the crowd is to make your followers laugh or smile. The act of laughing or smiling automatically evokes a positive emotional response within your followers, so use your sense of humor to create a connection. This will also give them a great snapshot of who you are without you having to say anything about yourself. If you can’t think of something funny on your own, borrow a joke. Better yet, find a hilarious image to share.

Another way to connect emotionally is to share something inspirational. This could be a quote, a picture, an audio clip, a slide show, or a video. Something else that many people like are surveys. Ask questions about them and invite them to provide their input. You’ll make people feel appreciated and accepted.

Obviously, you can’t put everything you want to say into 140 characters or less, so use the words in your autoresponse to draw someone to another location where you can share in depth.

Make Every Character Count
One popular autoresponse tool is TweetLater, where you are allowed only 120 characters to create your response. Each character is prime real estate. Don’t waste any; use them all!

Chances are you’re more likely to need pruning shears than growth formula for your messages. Learn to master the art of writing only necessary words. Drop all small words (a, an, the) as long as you maintain the clarity of your message. Paring down your messages too much creates confusion, though, so you may need to break out your Thesaurus and hunt for shorter synonyms of key words to keep the integrity of your message intact.

As you know by now, using a Twitter autoresponse, if done well, can enhance your business. Just be ultra-careful when crafting your messages to focus on your followers. Maximize your character allotment. Make a lasting impression. And create a strong emotional bond. People really do want to like, know, and trust you. Give them a chance to do that by taking an interest in them first! Nothing builds rapport faster.