Learn more about Mobile SEO

With around 35% of mobile phone users connecting to the internet on a daily basis, this is a part of the market that every company needs to sit up and take note of.


Mobile SEO

 Mobile phones have transformed our lives over the past couple of decades giving the people the ability to communicate with one another anywhere and at any time. From the brick like handheld device of the late eighties and early nineties to the slim and sleek mobile phones nowadays, the developing technologies have made mobiles much smarter. The functionality of the mobile phones is also developing with cameras and video capture becoming a common function and the mobile also being used as a satellite navigation tool on certain models. The internet has also been on mobile phones for many years but only recently has it become more accessible and much easier to use. With many companies becoming conscious of this mobile internet technology, companies need their websites to work well on mobile phones and appear on the search engines.

 Mobile Search Engine Optimisation

 The way people are searching is changing from the traditional approach of searching at home or in the office on the computer; people are also using their mobile phones to find solutions to their problems while they are on the move. Mobile internet means that users want information as they have not got time to go on their computer and find the site they are looking for. Search engine optimisation has traditionally over the years only applied its trade to viewing the website on computers so the shift to mobile internet is a something that SEO companies need to think about. With around 35% of mobile phone users connecting to the internet on a daily basis, this is a part of the market that every company needs to sit up and take note of.

 Mobile Optimisation

 Many website design companies can build websites that have pages dedicated to mobile internet users by either using the same URLs or creating a new sub-domain for mobile users. This obvious consideration for mobile internet users will appeal to this market and the company will be shown in a positive light. The content on the website will also need to be looked at again for these mobile users to appeal to this market. Mobile internet users do not want to see flash animation and elaborate imaging as they probably will not work on many different devices. Mobile users want a no frills experience as they want to find the information they want and act accordingly. Although mobile internet has come on leaps and bounds in recent years, technology is still a few steps behind viewing the internet on a computer. This technology will develop and get better, which means that your company needs to be using it now so you are one step ahead of your competitors in a few years time.

At SEO Junkies, we have a knowledgeable and experienced search engine optimisation team who work together to bring you brilliant SEO results. For more information about Mobile SEO or about any of our other SEO services, please visit seojunkies.com or contact us direct.