AdWords Quality Score - 3 Tips

3 tips to understand factors that influence quality score in your adwords campaign.

Quality Score is an indicator that is made available to all AdWords advertisers, and is useful for measuring the quality of a keyword. Besides this helps determine the minimum bid required to "buy" the keyword and then publish their advert.

It's always good to get a high Quality Score because in this way lower the minimum bid price for that particular keyword and then save on the costs of advertising campaign.

There are several factors that affect the quality score, but there are some that are more important than others. In this article we will observe only the most significant ones that increase the score once optimized. These 3 factors are not considered separate but complement each other "working" together.

The first factor is probably the most important and are the keywords used. Over the keyword is relevant to the ad and your landing page and the higher the quality score. So it's always good to enter multiple keywords as possible in the text, because according to Google's algorithms, and if your ad contains the keyword is likely to deal with this matter requested by the user.

It's a way to improve the user experience. Google rewards advertisers who in this way can give the customer exactly what they are looking for.

Another important factor, which at this point is quite intuitive and ad text. As already said the announcement will be more relevant if it contains the text the appropriate keyword.

The last major factor that has already been mentioned is the landing page. This is the website where the user is taken as soon as the ad clicks AdWords.

The text of the landing page can directly affect your Quality Score and ad position on the content network. Let's see what Google says the rules for writing an effective landing page for the purpose of the score: The content must be original and relevant as possible.

Once again the user experience is the important thing for Google. The landing page it will give the customer the information they're looking for and then the text is more relevant to the ad and the higher the quality score.

Furthermore, the content must be original submitting your product or service for sale by highlighting the features that no other product offers the same industry.

The other factor essential to a successful AdWords landing page is the clarity and honesty. In this case, Google will reward the trust that is able to convey to potential customers.

Finally, the usability of the website. It 'important that the landing page is easy to navigate and the information is quickly accessible by visitors.

These 3 factors: keywords, ad text and landing pages are important and fundamental, but remember that they are not the only ones. Google reserves the right to change the score in its discretion according to rules that are not yet well defined.

Improving these three still you have a good chance of getting a score if not "excellent" is still "OK".