LinkedIn - Its More Than Just An Online Resume!

In the social media arena, LinkedIn is the one that wears the most professional face. In fact, if you are a serious business professional, you ought to have a presence on LinkedIn. However, in addition to being your online resume and a network of your business connections, LinkedIn can also provide you with multiple advantages.

Benefits of Linked In

Promotion of Products & Services

LinkedIn allows companies to create profiles. You can provide a detailed description of your business here and include a list of all your products and services. When your employees, link to the company profile from their personal profiles, it means more exposure for your products and services and more opportunities to sell them.

New Clients

You can simply search the LinkedIn database to find prospective members who would be interested in your business and would likely purchase your products and services.

Lead Generation

LinkedIn database is an extensive director of business professionals that you can browse through and locate new leads for your business.

Funds & Sponsorships

You can contact companies, entrepreneurs and business professionals and communicate with them to obtain funds and sponsorships for your projects.

Get International Exposure

LinkedIn is a business networking platform and has users from across the world. Creating a business presence here means you have an opportunity to showcase and market your company and business on and international scale.

Tips to Strengthen your LinkedIn Profile

Update Your Profile

Weak profiles seldom attract attention. If you want people to take notice, make sure your profile is crisp and compact. The content you include to update your profile should not only be compelling but also value-driven.
Make sure your profile is 100% complete and includes a professional photograph of yourself. This is the only way you can make it appear in the top ranks of search results if someone searches for you on Google.

Increase Your Connections

More the number of connections you have in your profile, bigger will be your network. This means more people will have access to your profile. And every time you take an action on the website, it is updated on the home pages of your 1st degree connections thus ensuring regular visibility. Therefore, seek to increase your number of connections by connecting with more and more people.

Customize your Website Links

Instead of having your links look like 'My Website' and 'My Blog,' customize them and make them appear as call-to-actions. If you have a blog that discusses web design, write something like 'Web Design Tips.' people wouldn't care to click through to your blog unless they know it will be relevant to them. Therefore, customizing your links on your LinkedIn profile can get you a steady stream of good traffic.

Answer Questions

Answering questions posted by other users is the best way to showcase your expertise and establish your reputation as a professional. Also, users can rate your answers as 'The Best' which can further alleviate your status on the community.

Update Status Regularly

LinkedIn has also got a status update feature like Twitter. By updating your status regularly, there will be more chances of users seeing it as the first thing that pops up when they log into their home pages. However, make sure your status updates are professional and value driven.