Got No Heat In Your Tweets? - Defeating Social Networking - Writer's Block!

Social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Twitter offer users the ability to post a status update or micro-blog. These updates are short messages telling your friends or colleagues something you want them to know. People want to do business with someone they like, and keeping in touch with them through status updates and micro-blogs is a good way to build trust and rapport.

Keeping in touch with your customers and potential customers is critical, whether you are a local brick and mortar business or a virtual organization online. It is vitally important that you always use good grammar and spelling to look your professional best. You also want to make sure that when you link out to another site, it has a professional image as well. Avoid trying to sell with your social networking messages. Notification of a coupon or sale is fine, but use these sparingly in order to retain your audience.

The process of writing a good tweet, status update, or micro-blog can take time and thought. But what happens when you are at a loss and can't think about anything to write about? Writer's block happens to the best of us - even if we're only trying to write 140 characters! Following is a list of ideas to help you write the perfect message:

* Inspirational quotes

* Links to other helpful sites

* Tips and tricks

* Notification of sales or coupons

* Charities you support

* Book recommendations

* People to follow

* Notification of your new article or blog posts

* Client testimonials

* Recommendation of other blogs or articles

* Media mentions

* Events you are going to attend or promote

* A recent business success story

* A link to a case study

* Products or services you recommend

* Links to videos you like

* A link to a survey you are running

* Questions that will start a conversation

* Statistics relevant to your niche

* Contests you create and run

* Contests run by others

* Ask for advice

* Writing about someone you admire

* A historical event on that day

These ideas are meant to stimulate your thinking. Not all of them will apply to your particular niche, so pick the ones that you think will work best. Positioning yourself as an expert in your field and presenting yourself as a professional is important when you are using social networking sites. Make sure the information you present is interesting to your readers and adds value to the interaction.

And remember: everything you post on the internet is open to the world and lasts forever - so don't write a status update that you don't want everyone to see!