The Best Features of Facebook Timeline for the SEO Company

Today every SEO company has a team of social media experts who are dedicated solely to utilising the various social media platforms to enhance their clients business. Ever since the birth of Facebook, the SEO or Search Engine Optimisation strategies have undergone a complete change. As an expert in SEO in Melbourne, you must have noticed the growing importance of social media, especially Facebook for increasing one’s virtual brand presence.

So how do you, the marketing guru, capitalise on the Facebook wave to ensure you are the leader in SEO in Melbourne? Here we try to decode Facebook’s new “Timeline” feature to help you get the best out of your SEO strategies.

  • Cover Picture: Utilise the cover picture option that functions more like an attractive banner to grab the attention of those visiting your page. In the end, it is the appealing visuals that make the first impact. So think of how you can make a creative cover picture to promote your client’s brand.
  • Tag line: Since the “About” feature is just below the cover picture, use your SEO skills to target the right keywords and create a catchy line for all readers about your clients brand.
  • Re-arrange posts: As a brand, it is important to have a neat and clean image. The new Timeline feature enables users to disable random posts from appearing on your Timeline.  Another exciting feature for brands is that Facebook allows you to pin an important post to the top of your Timeline, like promotional messages, picture, etc.
  • Administration panel: The administration panel is another useful feature in the Timeline. Time saving and efficient, it allows you to manage and have an understanding of your entire page in just one glance. An activity log allows you to search and filer messages with ease.


Our last word of advise...

Adopt and adapt: Facebook offers numerous features and functions for users. As an Internet Marketing Company or SEO company you must be able to understand, adopt new strategies and change as per the new trends. The current trend to have caught everyone’s attention is Timeline. So understand this new feature offered by Mark and get cracking on how you can increase the virtual presence as well as traffic for your client’s website.

 Thus, by applying the right strategies for Search Engine Optimisation through Facebook’s new Timeline feature you will have no trouble in becoming the leading service provider of SEO in Melbourne.

Check out to know more about search engine optimisation.