Why "About Us" Page Is The Most Important Page of Your E-commerce store

While it’s easy to go online with just a website, to be profitable your ecommerce store definitely has to reflect the trust factor.  When it comes to online marketing, one of the cornerstones of success is building trust and credibility with your visitors.  For your visitors, your company is just a nameless, faceless website, so your store, which is the calling card to the world, should convince your visitors that there is a real person behind the online store. 

One best way to combat this problem and instill and boost the confidence of your customers is to have a well designed about us page on your ecommerce store.  These pages give rise to opportunities to build a relationship with many prospective customers.  When a visitor clicks on this page, you are gaining permission to interact with the user, thus the about us page can put a human face on an otherwise technical, dry and impersonal website. 

If you’re wondering how to go about with creating attractive and appropriate about us page that will help you establish rapport with your buyers, promote your brand and increase credibility, then you can trust an expert ecommerce solution like Store Express to do the job for you.  Their team will create informative, interesting and engaging about us page section that will be a huge asset to your store.  Store express designers will craft out pages that will be a waypoint to build trust and credibility and establish relationship with your viewers.

What makes their about us page to hook your customers in?

Firstly, they make the about us page on your ecommerce store sound personal and friendly.

They include your company’s name and address in the about us section, which will further help with sustaining your business.  They not only provide your email details, telephone number and fax, but also care is taken that the physical address is included to help allay some of your customers fears.

They list all your skills and tell your visitors what you do and what you have to offer them.

These ecommerce solution experts also embed photos and videos to better instill trust in your customers.

They keep your about us page always fresh and up to date.

Store Express team also provides management biographies and that of your team members, which will put a face to your company’s name.

For about us pages that will get your visitor navigating your ecommerce store contact Store Express