Variable data tailoring and content drafting with the information of a potential visitor from a linked database helps attract more visitors to a web-site. This process of inducing virtual intelligence in the links is called as pURL or Personalized URL. Personalized URLs are similar to a usual web-site but with a difference that when a visitor visits a pURL, the web-site functions according to the habits or other related information of the visitor. Moreover the content presented to the visitor would also differ from visitor to visitor, according to their interest and requirements.
A pURL creates a direct relationship with the target audience and is appealing to them because in pURL usually the name of the visitor is suffixed. pURL provides many marketing benefits to an organization so as to attract traffic to their web-site:
- More precise follow-ups can be made with the visitor through the e-mails sent to them. Tracking down the visitors who responded to the web-site earlier like, downloaded a file, had contact regarding any query, visited frequently etc. could help generate the information base for the organization.
- pURLs provides the responsive web-sites, not in terms of functionality which different cloud computing companies provide to persuade visitors. pURLs mould the context and prospect of the page navigation according to the need of the visitor. This facilitates and enhances the user experience which eventually asks a visitor to continually visit the page and refer to other for the ease of information extraction.
- Trigger-based marketing for different events could be automated. This facilitates business development team for coordinating with visitors. Events like when a visitor hasn't visited the web-portal in specified duration of time, e-mail notification to customer support team especially in chat process upon a contact request etc.
- pURLs can go Viral if used appropriately and also depends upon the degree of customer satisfaction. Using "refer-to-friend" or "refer-a-friend" kind of strategies could help in improving the brand awareness. Online forms to upgrade the information base about a visitor can help serve better.
- pURL provides better customer engagement with the web-site as there is one-to-one communication between the prospect and the company. This provides the better understandability of the behavior about what exactly the visitor looking for, what should be the second or further navigation page for the visitor and what else could be useful for the visitor that can match the needs of the visitor.
However, in making full use of pURL for marketing the business and create brand awareness, it is should be taken care of that the information base shouldn't have more than required information about the user and even if it have, it shouldn't be presented to the user. Such activities will leave a negative impact on the prospect and user may feel uncomfortable with the showcase of large amount of personal information over digital media.