Did We Hire the Wrong SEO Consultant?

Hiring the right SEO consultant could be vital to the health and well-being of your small business. Hiring the wrong SEO could have serious consequences, including being banned from search engines altogether.

Watch out for common SEO red flags that indicate you should find a new SEO consultant.

Promises About Specific Search Engine Ranking

If an SEO consultant guarantees you’ll be number one in the search engines or that you’ll be on the front page of Google within a day, steer clear. Remember, that your SEO consultant is only able to control your SEO, not everyone else’s.

Therefore, it’s impossible to guarantee where you’ll end up in the search engines. It all depends on your competition.

Not Adhering to Webmaster Guidelines

All of the major search engines offer specific webmaster guidelines. If your SEO consultant doesn’t adhere to them, it could be a big problem for your website.

Not following the webmaster guidelines can hurt you in the search engine rankings. In the worst case scenarios, breaking the rules can even get you banned from the search results altogether.

Unwilling to Share SEO Techniques

If your SEO consultant isn’t willing or able to share the specific SEO techniques that will be used, it’s a red flag. It could mean your consultant is  using such simple techniques that he’s afraid you won’t need him if he shares them with you.

It may also mean your consultant is using techniques that aren’t recognized as legitimate SEO strategies.

For example, it’s possible your consultant doesn’t want to admit he’s just going to use the same keyword repeatedly all over your site in hopes that it will get your site moved up in the ranking.

A well-qualified SEO consultant will be able to share ideas about how to get your campaign started. A consultant should be able to provide you with a variety of examples and past experiences that helps you understand exactly what techniques will be used.

Promises About Quantity Over Quality

Any SEO consultant who offers you a large number of links to your site in a short period of time should be avoided. After all, search engines value quality over quantity.

Gaining thousands of low quality links back to your website in three days is more likely to hurt your site rather than help it. Don’t hire anyone who promises low quality links or search engine directory submissions.

Claims Special Relationships with People Behind Search Engines

Some SEO companies promise website owners to use their connections with the people behind the search engines to improve your rankings.

If a consultant claims he’s good friends with the CEO of Yahoo! or goes to church with the top dogs at Google, don’t fall for it.

Lacks Understanding of Your Business    

An SEO consultant needs to have a good understanding of your business and of your SEO needs.

For example, if you’re a plumber who needs local business, ranking high in the search engines for vague terms like “drain cleaning” won’t help. You need someone who understands how to attract local business.

A good consultant should be asking questions to identify your specific needs.

The consultant should be willing to help you meet your goals and should have a plan that targets your specific SEO.